📖 Memory Books

Access Memory Book as a Recipient

This article will help you learn how to access, navigate and use memory book as a recipient.

All important and beautiful moments in your life including onboarding, service anniversaries and life events now can be celebrated together with your colleagues. Our application allows delivery and access to a Memory Book for different moments that matter across the entire journey as employee. When the system or managers create a moment that matter, it can also generate a Memory Book for that particular moment with every celebration message, eCard or GIF images from your colleagues included. 

Image: JobPts application - Memory Book 

Celebration Notifications

After the end date of the celebration for a particular moment that matters, each sender who contributed with congratulatory messages will receive an additional email with a link to access the final memory book.  The actual recipient will get an email with a link to access the completed memory book on the site of the journey once the celebration date will end. 
The recipient will also be able to check the link in the My Awards tile, under Received recognition after the end date of the celebration.
Image: My Awards and Received Moment Details

Memory Book Preview and Print

When the recipient clicks on "See Memory Book" link in the received moment details screen the specific memory book will appear.  You can also view a printable version of the Memory Book with every celebration message, eCard or GIF from your colleagues included and this way always remember and cherish this moment. 
Note, next to each received message there is an option to exclude the message from the printable PDF:
Image: Exclude message from PDF
Image: Print and Download a Memory Book

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