📈 Analytics on Feedback

Access Feedback Analytics (Employee View)

Learn how to easily access all relevant analytics about your participation in feedback programs.

This article outlines the Feedback Analytics - Employee View.

To access the Feedback Analytics, from the JobPts home screen, select the Analytics tile.

Login -> Analytics -> Feedback 

Once you click on the Analytics tile on the home page you will be directed to the Analytics page. From here select Feedback. 

PerformanceImage: JobPts application - Analytics page 

feedback-analytics-emplImage: JobPts application - Feedback Analytics page 

The first thing that you will notice on the Feedback Analytics page, is the Engagement index chart. 

Image: Feedback Analytics - Engagement index

The Engagement index chart shows the engagement in feedback programs. 

  • The Individual line shows only your engagement in feedback programs. (Here all types of feedback transactions are counted regardless of the privacy settings (Give feedback; Ask for feedback and Ask for someone else) 
  • The Team line shows the engagement in feedback programs from your team.
    • Give feedback transactions  - only the feedback transactions that are flagged with privacy "Manager" and "Manager +Private" are counted. 
    • Ask for feedback transactions - only the transactions where the requested person is my manager are be counted
    • Ask for someone else - only the transactions where the requested person or the requester is my manager are counted.
  • Company line shows the engagement in feedback programs from your company. Here all types of feedback transactions are counted regardless of the privacy settings (Give feedback; Ask for feedback and Ask for someone else) 

As a user, you will be able to filter the data presented in the Feedback Analytics for the last 30 days, last 6 months and last 12 months.

You will notice the Received Feedback tab and Sent Feedback tab
Received Feedback tab – will contain all received feedback that you have received. 
Image: Feedback Analytics - Received Feedback 

Also, this view will present the feedback you have received for a third person. 

On the right side of the Received Feedback, you will notice the "Feedback received from" table that lists the names of all users that have sent you feedback. If I click any of these, the appropriate feedback received will be shown.

 Sent Feedback tab – will contain all feedback that you have sent. 

Image: Feedback Analytics - Sent Feedback 

On the right side of the Sent Feedback, you will notice the "Feedback sent to" table that lists the names of all users that you have sent feedback. If you click any of these, the appropriate feedback sent will be shown.

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