📉 Analytics on Wellness

Access Heath Analytics - Employee View

Learn how to easily access all relevant analytics about your engagement in health campaigns.

This article explains how to navigate Health Analytics as a user.

Login to JobPts -> Analytics -> Health

To access the Health Analytics, select the Analytics tile and then select the Health tile. 

analytics-healthImage: JobPts application - Health Tile 

*Note: The Health Analytic Tile will appear under the Analytics List only if the Health Module is active.

When you access the Health Analytics tile as a user, the Achievements by measure type graph will be presented. This graph consists of 3 lines, on how your team is performing vs. the company, and you as an individual.  You can filter by and choose if you prefer to view each one separately.

Health Analytics JobPts

Image: JobPts application - Achievements by measure type 

In the graph, you can filter the achievements by:

  • Different time periods: (last 30 days, 6 months, 12 months) and
  • Measure Type (Steps, Duration, Distance and Calories).

The (Red) Individual Line will provide a summary of your achievements (Steps, Duration, Distance and Calories) depending on the selected time period.

The (Green) Team Line will provide the average number of achievements in the same team (the team is considered the group of users reporting to the same manager) depending on the selected time. It is calculated as an average number of the total achievements (Steps, Duration, Distance and Calories) divided by the number of users in the same team.

The (Blue) Company Line will provide the average number of achievements in the company. It is calculated as an average of the total achievements (steps; distance; duration; calories) divided by the total number of users of the company.

Furthermore, when you are logged in as a user, you will be able to preview the Expired Personal Goals & Expired Corporate Goals

Expired Personal Goals: Under Expired personal goals all expired personal goals will be listed. On the right side, there is a chart pie with measures: Complete and Not Complete. If the user clicks on Complete, the list of expired personal goals will show only completed goals. Same with clicking on Not Complete the list will show all not completed personal goals.   

expiered personal goals 1Image: JobPts applicationExpired Personal Goals

Expired Corporate Goals: Under Expired corporate goals all expired corporate goals will be listed. By clicking the chart pie for Complete /Not Complete, the user can see campaigns of the selected status. 

expiered corporate goals 1Image: JobPts applicationExpired Corporate Goals

Medals achieved: In both tabs Expired personal goals/Expired corporate goals the user will see the medal achieved on the health campaign. As achieved medal is considered only the completed health campaign.

Please review our comprehensive step by step video guide

Health Analytics User View

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