📊 Analytics on Recognition

Access Recognition Analytics - Employee View

Learn how to easily access all relevant analytics about your participation in recognition.

Once you've logged in to JopPts, first click on the Analytics tile from the home page. 

Login to JobPts -> Analytics tile

On the top of the screen, you will see the View Range, Recognitions Sent and Engagement Index. 

View Range - Adjust the date range to focus on specific time period.

Recognitions Sent - Displays the total number of recognitions sent within the selected period.

Engagement Index - Provides a snapshot of the engagement levels at individual, team, and company levels over the selected time period.

The employee engagement index chart shows three lines: individual engagement, team engagement and company engagement. You can focus the view by clicking on one of the lines within the infographic. 

Image: JobPts application - Engagement index

The engagement of the logged user is measured on a daily level for a time period of number of working days in a week. If the engagement index is 100%, it means that the user has been engaged every working day in the week. As engagement, it is considered whether the user sent at least one appreciation per day.

  • The individual line displays the activity of the logged in user.
  • The team line numbers are received as average value of the sum of all individual engagement indexes of one team divided with the total number of team members.
  • The company numbers are received similar to the team numbers, however it is summed from all engagement indexes of all employees and then divided with the total number of employees in the company.

On the second part of the page under Recognitions, it shows further details on all received/sent recognitions with the associated messages, as well as from which colleagues are the recognitions.

On the right there is a summary of the total recognitions sent/received by user.

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