📈 Analytics on Feedback

Access Feedback Analytics (Manager View)

Learn how to easily access all relevant analytics about your participation and the participation of your team in feedback programs.

This article outlines the Feedback Analytics - Manager View.

To access the Feedback Analytics, from the JobPts home screen, select the Analytics tile.

Login -> Analytics -> Feedback

Once you click on the Analytics tile on the home page you will be directed to the Analytics page. In case your system is used to manage health programs, feedback programs and recognition programs, you need to select the Feedback option.

feedback-analyticsImage: Feedback application - Feedback Analytics page 

The first thing that you will notice on the Feedback Analytics page, is the Engagement index chart. 

Image: Feedback Analytics - Engagement index

The Engagement index chart shows the engagement in feedback programs. 

  • The Individual line shows only your engagement in feedback programs. (Here all types of feedback transactions are counted regardless of the privacy settings (Give feedback; Ask for feedback and Ask for someone else) 
  • The Team line shows the engagement in feedback programs from your team.
    • Give feedback transactions  - only the feedback transactions that are flagged with privacy "Manager" and "Manager +Private" are counted. The transactions flagged with "Privacy" will be counted only when the giver is you. 
    • Ask for feedback transactions - only the transactions where the requested person is you will be counted. 
    • Ask for someone else - only the transactions where the requested person or the requester is you will be counted
  • Company line shows the engagement in feedback programs from your company. Here all types of feedback transactions are counted regardless of the privacy settings (Give feedback; Ask for feedback and Ask for someone else) 

As a user, you will be able to filter the data presented in the Feedback Analytics for the last 30 days, last 6 months and last 12 months.

The next tiles are Received Feedback and Sent Feedback. The data in these tiles will show the transactions from your team and will vary accordingly to the filter selected.

Image: Feedback Analytics - Received Feedback and Sent Feedback 

Received Feedback tab - will contain all received feedback transactions for your team
(31) - > this is the number of feedbacks received as Strengths ;  (14) -> this is the number that represents the decrease/increase of feedback as strengths compared to the last period 
(5) - > this is the number of feedbacks received as Development;  (5) -> this is the number that represents the decrease/increase of feedback as development compared to the last period 
When you click on the Received Feedback tab, another page "Received Feedback by behaviour" will open.

Image: Feedback Analytics - Received Feedback by behaviour 

From this page, you will be able to preview the received feedback with behaviour reasons by feedback type (Strenght/Development) 

Sent Feedback tab - will contain all sent feedback transactions from your direct reports.
(42) - > this is the number of feedbacks sent as Strengths ;  (8) -> this is the number that represents the decrease/increase of feedback sent as strengths compared to the last period. 
(6) - > this is the number of feedbacks sent as Development;  (9) -> this is the number that represents the decrease/increase of feedback sent as development compared to the last period.
When you click on the Sent Feedback tab, another page "Sent Feedback by behaviour" will open. 

Image: Feedback Analytics - Sent Feedback by behaviour 

From this page, you will be able to preview the sent feedback with behaviour reasons by feedback type (Strenght/Development) 

The last tiles are My Teams Reach, My Reach and Inside vs Outside Reach. 
The layout displayed for each one of these sections is the same, the information within it is changed depending on which section is selected. 
Image: Feedback Analytics - My Teams Reach, My Reach and Inside vs Outside Reach 
After you've selected one of the sections, a new page will display the sent and received feedbacks from your team members by feedback type (Continue/Consider) 
Image: Feedback Analytics - My Team page
When you click on the data in the "Received" column next to the appropriate user, the modal "Received feedback by behaviour" will open.
 Image: Feedback Analytics - received feedback by feedback behaviour
When you click on the data in the "Sent" column, next to the appropriate user, the modal "Sent feedback by behaviour" will open.
 Image: Feedback Analytics - Sent feedback by feedback behaviour
When you click on the name of one the team members, their employee profile will be opened. 
 feedback profile-2
Image: Feedback Analytics - Employee Profile 
On the top of the screen, you will be displayed a Send Feedback button which will allow you to directly send a feedback to the employee. 
You will be able to preview the Received Feedbacks and Send Feedbacks to the employee. 
Under each feedback, you can the Feedback Message, Evaluation Type and Behaviour which were added when the feedback was sent. 
On the right side of your screen, you can select between viewing the feedback from all employees or only from a specific employee. You will also be displayed an infographic chart for the feedback type. In this case, the user can select between "Consider" and "Continue" so he can view only the selected feedbacks from that type on the screen.
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