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Activate Locations

Learn how to enable monetary award in a country.

For a monetary award to be available in a country, select the country as an Active. To activate it, login to the Admin Center of the JobPts application.

On the left-side panel, click on Account and then on Activate Locations.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center-> Administration-> Activate Locations

Image: JobPts application - Activate Locations

You can Activate/Deactivate or Edit a country by clicking the Edit button next to each country name.

When clicked the following information is available:

  • Country name
  • Ebay country code
  • Local purchasing power ratio
  • Currency conversion rate

Bellow these details, there are a few more options available in form of checkboxes :

  • Active/deactivate a country
  • Eligible for payroll - if checked then this country will be available for payroll awards.

After you are finished, click Submit to update and save the country.

Image: JobPts application - Update Country

You also have the ability to Export the list of the countries and are activated or disabled, depending on the filter setup.

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