Admin Center

Admin Overview

In this article, we will guide you on how to use the modules from the Overview Page.

The Admin Center is a place to discover all administration tasks and business insights on how to operate, manage, and optimize recognition and rewards programs. On the left-side menu, the admin can access all self-service tools in the system.

Image: Admin Center - Overview page

On the home page in the Admin Center, the admin user can see the following information:

  • Total number of users in the application
  • Active locations
  • Recognitions in the current month
  • Points redeemed in the current month
  • Celebrations in the current month
  • Approvals in the current month
  • Workflows in the current month

For each section on click over the tile, the admin will be redirected to the corresponding report in a new tab.


There is an interactive map where you can view the locations of appreciators. Adjacent to this map, you'll find quick links for essential functions such as accessing the application, admin user guide, and viewing the application's start date.

Top Award Reasons 

Display the top 7 award reasons based on their percentage of total transactions for the current month. If there are more than 7 active award reasons, only those with the highest transaction counts will be included in the calculation of these percentages.

Recognition Message Format
This section analyzes trends in all sent recognition messages, including pending, approved, and rejected ones. The goal is to understand the origin and format of these messages, regardless of their status. The formats tracked include messages generated using Sam.os Copilot, messages with attached e-cards, GIFs and plain text messages.
MQI Average Score
The MQI (Message Quality Index) average score helps administrators assess the overall quality of recognition messages. This score is calculated by summing all individual scores and dividing by the total number of messages analyzed. Only recognition messages are counted, and the trend is for the current month.
Manager's Leaderboard

This section displays the top 10 managers for the current month. The leaderboard includes the following information:

  • Rank: Positions range from 1 to 10.
  • Full Name: The manager's full name, along with their username and country.
  • Engagement Index: The engagement index for the current month.
  • Recognitions Sent: The total number of recognitions sent by the manager for the current month. 

*Note: Most of these functions can be accessed and managed through the system settings page under General Settings > Overview Configuration.

Image: Admin Center - System Settings - Overview Configuration

  • Award Reasons - checkbox option to display top 7 award reasons on overview page.
  • Recognition Message Trends - checkbox option to display chart for recognition message trends on overview page.
  • Manager's Leaderboard - checkbox option to display top 10 managers on overview page.
  • Define Start Date - option to define start date.
  • Upload Admin Guide - option to upload and display an admin guide on the overview page.

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