📈 Adoption Reports

Audit Log Report

This article highlights the key functionalities and advantages of an audit log report

An audit log report is a valuable feature for recognition tools, offering benefits such as transparency, accountability, investigation support, issue resolution, and compliance.

To access the Audit log, navigate to:

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Reports -> Audit Log 

Image: JobPts application - Audit Log

Filtering Options:

  • Choose Module: From here you can filter out the audit report for Application or Admin side. 

  • ID: Users can filter the audit log report by ID, enabling them to retrieve specific records related to a particular program or event.
  • Type: If the Admin module is selected, the report can be filtered by award, nomination, anniversary, budget, feedback, redeem for someone else, earn points, moments that matter etc.

    If the Application module is selected, the report can be filtered by recognize, culture profile, social feed, sent awards, my awards and my profile. 
  • Action: Users can filter the log by action type, including Create, Update, or Delete. This feature enables them to track specific actions performed by users within the app.

  • Date Range: The audit log report can be filtered based on a specific date range, allowing users to narrow down the results to a specific time period of interest.

  • User: Users can filter the log by a particular user, enabling them to view actions performed by a specific individual within the recognition tool.

In addition to the filtered summary, the audit log report provides a detailed view of each recorded action. Users can access this detailed report by clicking on the respective log entry. 

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