✅ Transactional Reports

Celebrations Report

Summary Report & Information for Celebration

The Celebrations report provides detailed information about the individuals involved, the nature of the celebrated moments, and additional insights to help you track and appreciate the positive moments in your workplace.  

 To access the Celebrations reports page:

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Transactional Reports -> Celebrations

At the top, a filter is available to help you narrow down and focus on specific sets of data. The available filters are as follows:

  • Moment Title - Lists all titles for which there are transactions, allowing you to filter by specific celebrated moments.
  • Date from/until - Allows filtering based on the date range 
  • Search Users: Enables searching for users, both senders, and recipients 

Image: JobPts app - Celebrations Reports


The report includes the following columns:

Sender - The user who initiated the moment or sent congratulations.

Recipient - The colleague for whom the moment was created or who received congratulations.

Moment Name - The name or description of the celebrated moment.  

Date of Transaction - The date when the transaction, such as a congratulations message or moment creation, occurred.

Date of Event - The date when the celebrated event is scheduled or took place.

Surprise (Yes/No) - Indicates whether the moment was planned as a surprise (Yes) or not (No).

Memory Book - Specifies if a memory book is associated with the moment (Yes) or not (No).

Creator - The user who created the moment (if applicable).

When exporting the report to Excel, the columns will remain the same, but an additional column Celebration Message will be included. This column contains the message sent in association with the celebrated moment, providing a complete record of the congratulatory messages exchanged.

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