๐ŸŽจ Program Design

What Changes Have we Implemented as Result of Changes in the Work Environment?

There are many changes and trends that we prioritize and implement based on customer feedback and the overall changing environment.

Some of these recent examples include: 

  • Covid Response โ€“ we helped build an entire subsidy program for many scenarios including vaccination as earn points programs with several features and workflows.  We also made available local donations projects that fight the crisis through the points 
  • Great Resignation โ€“ this is another major trend as we see more employee exits, this naturally translates in more new onboarding scenarios.  So, onboarding new employees with memorable experience for such critical โ€œmoment that mattersโ€ had a direct impact on our platform and what we can offer now 
  • Health & Wellness โ€“ needless to say wellness is a top-of-mind priority for managers and companies.  So we have introduced ways to incentify and track wellness activities and health parameters as well as create challenges that people can join.  Analytics for managers and employees to visualize the impact and even introduce health journeys that people can follow. 
  • Importance of Company Culture and Teams in the new Hybrid World โ€“ we see company cultures being challenged and the need to elevate the right values, behaviors and team spirits is more important than ever.  So we invested in ad-hoc team-building capabilities used for easier team recognition and nomination, but also to give teams and department leaders dedicated pages where anyone can see the impact of culture on the teams and individuals. 
  • Skills as the new Oil of the Agile Economy โ€“  this is also a mega trend we see shaping the future of work for the following decade, where we decided early this year to invest in an AI project that will fundamentally change how employees, managers and HR finally understand and see their skills and org capabilities.  We can deliver now a purpose-built Skill Intelligence Engine, built on a single AI platform for all talent.  It covers consistent, unbiased evaluation of individual capabilities and "learnability" against globally standardized job descriptions and requirements.  In addition, the product examines skill adjacency and context.  The self-learning AI technology also evolves and grows with the business and employees, and it can integrate in the near future with talent marketplaces. 


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