🗣️ Giving Instant Feedback
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  3. 🗣️ Giving Instant Feedback

Check the Status of Your Sent Feedbacks

Here users can check details on sent feedback and also progress on responses for their requests for feedback.

Login  -> Sent Feedback

To access the Sent Feedback, from the home screen, navigate to the Sent Feedback tile.

In the Sent Feedback window, there are three available tabs Sent Feedback, Requested Feedback, and Requests for someone else.

Furthermore, in the Sent Feedback tab, users can see all the feedback sent to peers and recipient responses to provided feedback.

Sent Feedbacks windowImage: Feedback application - Sent Feedbacks

By clicking on any of the tiles, more details can be reviewed for each feedback provided.

feedback details

Image: Feedback application - Feedback Details

In the Requested Feedback tab, the user can see all the feedback requests and the progress of responses to requested feedback, respectively.

Requested FeedbackBy clicking on any of the tiles, more details can be reviewed for each feedback request.

feedback request detailsImage: Feedback application - Request Details

In the Requests for someone else tab, the user can see all the feedback requests and the progress of responses to requested feedback for a third person, respectively.

The name of the third person (the person to whom the feedback is asked) will be displayed as well in the feedback requests tiles.

sent feedbacks - request for someone elseBy clicking on any of the tiles, more details can be reviewed for each feedback request.

Request DetailsIf this article left your questions unanswered, please submit a Support Form, and we can clarify this topic.