🌓 Q1 2024 Innovations

Communication Experience Updates

This release features a Survey Module that wraps a robust toolset for creating, distributing, and analyzing surveys. Flexible modularity, audit logs, and sender account management are also introduced.

Key features and improvements:

1. Internal Communications Survey Module 

Survey Creation and Distribution designed to enhance our internal communication and feedback processes. 

  • Create Surveys with Drag-and-Drop Builder: An intuitive editor allowing effortless creation of customized surveys eliminating the need for advanced technical skills, enabling anyone to create professional surveys quickly.
  • Automated Reporting: Comprehensive reports are automatically generated based on survey responses, providing valuable insights.
  • AI-Powered Open-Ended Question Analysis: AI analyzes and categorizes open-ended responses, identifying key themes and sentiment.
  • Open Survey: Surveys can be distributed via a link accessible to the entire company, ensuring Company-Wide Accessibility. This way all employees within the company are reached, ensuring broad participation and comprehensive feedback collection. 
  • Anonymous Surveys: Promote honest feedback by allowing responses to be submitted anonymously.
  • Survey Templates: Utilize pre-built templates for quick and easy survey creation.
  • Multiple Question Types: The module supports various question types to capture diverse responses, including single option, multiple options, open text for detailed feedback, slider for rating scales, and opinion scale for nuanced opinions.
  • Targeted Audience Filters: Surveys can be targeted and distributed to specific groups within the company using SuccessFactors filters. This capability ensures that surveys reach the relevant audience, increasing response rates and data accuracy. 
  • Preview Survey: Review and test surveys before sending them out to ensure accuracy and completeness.

2. Modularity (Communications and Surveys)

  • Flexible Module Management: This feature allows the System Administrator to enable or disable the Communications and Surveys modules independently, offering flexibility to tailor the system to meet specific customer needs. Depending on the requirements, either the communications module, the surveys module, or both can be activated. This modular approach ensures that only the necessary functionalities are accessible, simplifying the user experience and optimizing system resources.

3. Audit Logs

  • Track all survey-related activities to maintain transparency and accountability in the survey process.

4. SendGrid Implementation - Add Sender

  • Implement SendGrid to add sender functionality, ensuring seamless and reliable email communication for survey distribution.