💮 Culture and Team

Company Profile

This article will help you learn how to access your company profile information.

Log in to JobPts -> Hover Over User Image -> Culture Profile

On the homepage of the platform, click over the User's Profile image in the top right corner and on the pop-up menu select the Cultre Profiles section.

JobPts - Home - My Profile Image: JobPts application - Company Profile

New screen will be presented with Company Overview details.  

JobPts - Company Culture

Image: JobPts application - Culture Profiles

On the left side of the Culture Profile page, under Company tab, the Company Overview information will be displayed, such as: 
  • Company Logo - under the logo the following information will be presented:
    • Teams - number of active teams available.
    • Total number of participants
    • Locations
    • Departments
  • Trending Company Values - numbers of mostly used award reasons or company values. 
  • Appreciators by Locations - available two tabs with details about senders and receivers location.
Company values (also called corporate values or core values) are the set of guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that help a group of people function together as a team and work toward a common business goal. Company values are listed by mostly used values, with an information on your contribution to this value. You can search for a specific value and see the influence of the same and how it is embeded into the company. 
JobPts - Company Culture
Image: JobPts application - Company Overview
  • Total sent as award reason - displays the overall number of appreciations sent within the company.
  • Your contribution to the value - number of your/user recognitions sent and received with this award reason. 
  • Most popular recognitions with this value - displays top 10 most popular recognitions with this award reason. Popularity is considered depending on the activity on the post and the number of likes and comments on the same. On Show More button the user will be redireced to the post published on the social feed wall. 
  • Your recognitions with this value - displays all the recognitions received by the user with this award reason. Underneath it, you will be able to go through the most popular recognitions with that value by clicking on the arrow button right next to it. On Show More button the user will be redireced to the post published on the social feed wall. 

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