✅ Transactional Reports

Completed Transactions All Report

Learn how to access analytics for all transactions.

Completed Transactions All report provides an overview of all recognitions and nominations sent by the employees, as well as the winners from a particular program. Here you can analyze the awards that have been approved, rejected, and/or edited.

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Reports -> Completed Transactions All

To access the report, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. On the left-side panel, click on Reports then on Completed Transactions All.

Screenshot 2021-11-18 at 11-41-24 Completed Transactions AllImage: JobPts application - Completed Transactions All

Several Filter options are available to get the desired results: 

  • Program name - here are all existing recognition and nomination programs, shared points, health campaigns or anniversaries. It allows you to analyze the events related to a particular program/campaign.
  • Program type - it is the only report that gives you an overview of the transactions based on the type of the program. Four options are available under this filter:
    • Peer-to-peer;
    • Nomination;
    • Earn Points;
  • Country - select a specific country that is active and access the data for that specific country.
  • Department - complementing the country filter, you can select a specific department (business unit) to get the results co-related to that department.
  • Date from & Date until - the time range you wish to get the report results.
  • User role - depending on if the user is a giver or a receiver, two options are available – check all the completed transactions for a particular user either as a giver or as a receiver of recognitions.
  • Search users - in conjunction with the previous filter, find an employee by typing a name to get more detailed information.

Bellow these filters, there are a few more in form of checkboxes:

  • Approved - shows all the approved transactions
  • Rejected - shows all the rejected transactions 


*Note: By selecting both checkboxes you can review all approved and rejected transactions simultaneously.

  • Changed values - this filter helps you check all transactions with changed values. For example, an employee sent a recognition to another one valued at 30 pts. The supervising manager decided to correct the value to 15 pts. This is a changed value. Select this checkbox, and then continue Search, the new screen will appear displaying the initial and the award value.
    *Note: when you select this checkbox, all other checkboxes are read-only.
  • Shared - helps you filter the shared points. In the application, there is an option for an employee to share the points with other employees. Selecting this option will present these transactions.
    *Note: once you select this option, all other filters will be read-only.
  • Include monetary - shows all monetary recognition transactions.
  • Include non-monetary - shows all non-monetary recognition transactions.

Once you set the preferred set of filters, click on the Search button to get the results.

Delete button next to some of the transactions enables deleting only the non-monetary peer to peer transactions. For example, if there is a non-monetary nomination with approval, it cannot be deleted.

Also, you can check the nomination winners. This is the only section to check the nomination winners in the reports. Under Program Type, select Nomination, and in the results, under the Program Name, you will see written next to the winners ‘(WINNER).'

Completed Transactions All

An option is available to Export this report in an Excel file.

Exported report for Completed Transactions All

It is a comprehensive spreadsheet with more additional information such as the username of the senders and receivers and their email addresses, if they belong to some board area, the username of the approvers, award messages, award value points, award name, transaction date, status (approved-rejected).

Also, when a bulk recognition is sent from the admin side, in the Completed All Transactions excel download, there is a column for the Admin Sender.

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