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Configure Social Recognition Feed as a Home Screen

Learn how to customize the appearance of the home screen as a Social Recognition Feed.

The home screen of the JobPts application is the first thing you see once you log in to the platform.

Users can have two different layouts of the home screen. One option is the Tiles Grid, and the other Recognitions Feed home screen.

Home Screen - Tiles View1Image: JobPts application - Tiles Grid Home Screen

Home Screen - Social Recognition Feed ViewImage: JobPts application - Social Recognitions Feed Home Screen

This article explains how to configure the appearance of the home screen as a Social Recognition Feed.

To select the preferred home screen, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. On the left-sidebar, go to Account and then Manage Landing Pages.

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Account -> Manage Landing Pages

Social_Feed_Tile_newImage: JobPts application - List of Tiles Configurations

The List of Tiles Configurations screen lets you preview all of the created templates for the home screen. From here, you can: 

  • Create a brand new configuration for the home screen of the JobPts App by selecting the green Create New Tile Config button.
  • Edit the already created configuration for the home screen of the JobPts App by selecting the blue Edit button. 

To create a new configuration for the home screen as a Recognition Feed, click on the green Create New Tile Config button. This action will open the Home Screen Configuration Page. 

recognition feed - configurationImage: JobPts application - Home Screen Configuration

Select the Recognition Feed as a Home - Screen Layout. From here, you will be able to configure the look of the home screen as a Social Recognition Feed.

*Note: When you configure the Recognition Feed as a Home Screen, you must create at least one tile and one slider. 

Create / Edit Tile

To create the tile that will be displayed in the Social Recognition Feed, click on the square + button. 

Create Tiles ConfigurationImage: JobPts application - Create Tile

This action will open the Create / Edit Tile modal, where you will be able to define the preferred tile. 

Image: JobPts application - Create/Edit Tile Modal

In the Create / Edit Tile modal, define the: 

  • Tile Type - select the type of functionality that should be displayed on the tile.
  • Two Column Tile -  if this is enabled, the size of the tile will be doubled. 
  • White Background - if this is selected, the background of the tile will be white.
  • Background Color -  select this to define the color of the tile.
  • Background Image -  select this to upload an image as a background of the tile.  
  • Tile Icon - select the tile icon.
  • Tile Text color - select the color of the tile text. 
  • Tile Title - name the tile. 
  • Tile Info - define the info text of the functionality selected Tile Type.

Once you have filled in the information, Save the tile.

Recognize Tiles Configuration-1Image: JobPts application - Tiles Configuration

You can continue with this process, and add multiple tiles according to your preferences. 

Create / Edit Slider 

The next step is to create a slider. 

To create the slider that will be displayed in the Social Recognition Feed, click on the Edit icon. 

create-slider-1Image: JobPts application - Create /Edit Slider 

This action will open the Edit Slider modal, where you will be able to define the preferred slider. Click on the Add Slide button. 


Image: JobPts application - Edit Slider/Add Slider

In the Edit Slider modal, define the: 

  • Slide Type - select between different types of transactions that can be displayed on the slider.
  • Slide Icons - select the slider icon.
  • Slide Title - name the slider. 
  • Slide Counter - define the text next to the counter that displays the monthly transactions for the selected Slide Type.
  • Slide Background Image - upload an image as a background of the slider.


Image: JobPts application - Edit Slider

Once you have filled in the information, save the slider.

Slider Configuration (2)Image: JobPts application - Tile Configuration - Redeemed Gift Carts Slider Configuration 

You can continue with this process, and add multiple slides according to your preferences. 

Once you have defined the tiles and sliders, save the home screen configuration and activate it, in order for the same to be applicable on the JobPts home screen. 

To edit the already created configuration for the home screen of the JobPts App click on the blue Edit button. Here you will be able to change/edit the tiles and sliders of the already created configuration. 

Please review our comprehensive step by step video guide:

Configure Social Recognition Feed as a Home Screen v2

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