🏃 Track Activities and Goals
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Synchronize with Google Fit

To enroll in the corporate health campaigns and create personal health goals you must sync your JobPts profile with your Google Fit account.

This article will describe the details for connecting your Google Fit account with the JobPts profile so that health data is synced accordingly.

Connecting the accounts can be initiated from three locations within JobPts application, depending on the setup of your environment:

Login to JobPts -> Wellness Goals -> Login to Google Fit

Login to JobPts -> Health Data

Login to Job Points -> My Available Campaigns -> choose the Health Campaign -> Login to Google Fit and join campaigns

After following any of the paths above you will be redirected to Google Sign in process for choosing the account that you want to be connected with your JobPts profile.

After choosing the profile to be connected set the allowed access accordingly as per the example below:

After the process is completed and the data from the Google Fit application syncs with Job Pts you can enroll in the corporate health campaigns or create personalized campaigns to track wellness activities with personal milestones.

For additional information on how to create personal goals and track your accomplishments on expired goals and campaigns please review the following article.

To learn how to create corporate wellness campaigns as JobPts administrator, please review the following article.

You may also be interested in : How to claim your reward by participating in the Earn Points  or How to enroll in your company's subsidy campaigns


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