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Create an Earn Points Campaign

Learn the steps about how to set up the Earn Points campaign.

Earn Points is an option for employees to collect points by participating in a designated employee recognition program. Setting up such a campaign is very straightforward. The results can be extremely satisfying as employers can target very specific actions or behaviors for their employees. 

In order to create an Earn Points Campaign, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. On the left-hand side, select Campaigns and then Manage Earn Points Campaigns. On the next screen select Create Campaign.

Log in to JobPts -> Campaigns -> Manage Earn Points Campaigns -> Create New Campaign

Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 15-39-52 Manage Earn Points Campaigns-1Image: JobPts application - Manage Earn Points Campaigns

A new screen will open where several fields should be filled to create the Campaign:

earn pointsImage: JobPts application - Create New Earn Points Campaign

  • Under Campaign Name give a specific name to the Campaign as it will appear in the application;
  • Under Campaign Description write an explanation about the campaign. This text will be displayed under the campaign name within the application;
  • Under Campaign Assistance write a text to briefly explain the purpose of the campaign. This text will appear in the application in the right-side assistance panel;
  • Campaign Disclaimer, often defined as โ€˜Terms and Conditionsโ€™, is a disclaimer about the program that the user needs to agree to participate in the campaign;
  • Select Campaign Images;
  • Campaign Period - Start and End dates from/until the campaign will be active in the application.
  • Campaign Participants  and Approvers
  • Limit Number of Submissions - limit the submissions per participant

  • Campaign approvers โ€“ select between:
    • Managers - only direct managers will be listed as approvers for a certain campaign. 
    • Company Structure - employees that belong to the certain organization unit will be listed as eligible for the recognition.
    • By clicking on Manager's organization units, you will be able to narrow down the groups you want to add as your campaign approvers.  

      Image: JobPts application - Manager's organizational units
    • Campaign Participants  
      • All - all employees will be able to take part in this campaign.
      • Company Structure - employees that belong to the certain organization unit will be listed as eligible for the recognition.

  • Campaign Sections
    • Add Section - by clicking on this button a whole new modal will open. Here you can name a new label, and select an additional text field or the drop-down menu to appear.
      • Label Name - is the name of the drop-down list.
      • Option value - is the options which are going to be listed in the drop-down list.
      • Text Field - if this option is selected, the user will see a text box in the application where (s)he will need to explain the reason for her submission.
      • Dropdown - if this option is selected, the user will have additional options in the drop-down list to select.

    Image: JobPts application - Add section

    *Note: You need to have at least one campaign section to create a new one.

    • Campaign is Active - whether the campaign will be visible/active in the app.
    • Campaign Values & Settings 
      • Budget Amount - designated budget for the campaign.
      • Points per participant - select between:
        • Fixed Value - if the value is fixed - meaning that everyone who takes part gets a certain fixed amount of points after approval. It is mandatory to pass submission through approval.
        • Range Value - the approver can decide on any value between the defined max and min values of the campaign, depending on the given effort or the criteria met.
          *Note: If you want to create the campaign as a non monetary campaign, please insert zero in the Budget Amount and Fixed Value field.
      • Additional Options
        • Automatic feed posts - The campaign posts will be automatically published on the social wall after the responsible person has approved the campaign 
        • Share uploaded files on social wall - Attached files will be displayed on the social wall
        • Share text options on social wall - Additional text from the campaign will be displayed on the post
        • Share dropdown options on social wall - Additional dropdown options from the campaign will be displayed on the post

    After you are finished, click Save to create the campaign.

    If this article left your questions unanswered, please submit a Support Form, and we can clarify this topic.