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Create and Edit Leaderboard

Learn how to create and edit leaderboard settings.

As a company, in JobPts, you can promote the employees who receive most of the recognitions or the employees actively engaged as senders to recognize others. This is possible using the Leaderboard listing with Top recipients and Top appreciators, including different badges.

This article will help you understand how you can create and edit these badges.

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Cente

r -> Application Settings -> Leaderboard

To start with, login to the JobPts homepage and navigate to the Admin Center. Under Application Settings select the Leaderboard option. 

Image: JobPts application - Admin Center

A new screen will open where several fields should be filled to create/edit the Leaderboard.

  • Active Tabs and Ranking
  • Tab Name – If enabled, the tabs will be visible in the application.
    • Top recipients
    • Top Appreciators
  • Slider Configuration
    • Social Stars - Likes
    • Social Stars - Comments
  • Annually reset leaderboard – Admin capability to allow a new leaderboard to be started at the beginning of each year.
  • Award Type – Non-monetary or Monetary.
  • Milestone Badges - The badges are displayed only for the recipients of the awards or the senders of the awards.  

    Image: JobPts application - Leaderboard

    • Add Ranking
      • Name – The name of the new badge/level.
      • Program Description – The description of the new level. 
      • Role Type - Appreciator/Receiver
      • Select Image – The image of the new badge/level. Option for upload your own custom images.
      • From – The level of recognition that needs to be sent or received to reach the level and completes it. 

    Image: JobPts application - Add Ranking

    Once all the information is filled, select Add to insert the new badge/level.

    To edit some of the Active Rankings, click on the three dots next to the Actions button and select Edit from the drop-down menu. 

    Image: JobPts application - Active Rankings List - Edit

    After you make the necessary changes, click Save to update and save the program.

    There is a Translate option which allows you to translate the leaderboard into multiple languages, so users from other countries can view the program in their local language.

    You can translate any of the rankings to another language by finding the ranking, click on the three dots next to the Actions button and select Translate from the drop-down menu.

    After selecting the language in the dropdown list, a new screen divided into two columns opens.

    Image: JobPts application - Translation

    All fields in the left column are already filled in automatically with the original description text in the language used when the program was originally created. Beside each field in the right column, you need to add the translation word/sentence in which you want to have this program.

    After you are finished translating the details, click Save to update and save the new leaderboard.

    To delete an existing ranking, click on the three dots next to the Actions button and select Delete from the drop-down menu.

    Image: JobPts application - Active Rankings List


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