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Create and Manage E-cards

This article will help you learn how to create and manage E-Cards

E-cards allow you to enhance your message when sending a recognition or celebrating an event. We offer the ability to add E-cards in various contexts such as Anniversary, Birthday, Moment that Matters, Recognition and Nomination.
Create E-Cards
To create E-Cards, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application and follow the steps below:

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Account -> E-cards -> Create New E-card -> Save E-card

On the left-side panel, select Account, go to E-cards and click on the Create New E-card button.

Image: JobPts application - E-cards

On the next screen, you will be presented with a pop-up where you will be able to:

  • Title - Enter the title for the e-card.
  • Choose Context - Allows you to select for which context the card will be displayed. You can select for the card to show in several contexts such as Anniversary, Birthday, Moments that Matter, Recognition and Nomination.
  • Custom Date Range - Enter the time frame you want the E-card to be available
  • Upload E-card Image - Here you can upload the E-Card image 
  • Set Background Color - Allows you to specify the background color that will be displayed under the E-Card and behind the recognition text.
  • Set Text Color - Lets you to set the text color for the recognition message.

Click the Save Ecard button to create your new E-Card.

Image: JobPts application - Create E-card
Manage E-Cards
From the E-cards view, you can also manage your E-cards.
Click on the Actions button for each card and select between the presented options in the drop-down menu:
  • Edit - allows you to change the Context, Image and Background and Text color for the selected card.
  • Deactivate - lets you deactivate the card.
  • Delete - will delete the card. This action is irreversible

manage_ecardsImage: JobPts application - E-cards actions

From the new pop-up window, you can change the context, image and background and text color of the eCard.

Image: JobPts application - Edit eCard


Define E-Cards order

To define the order for the E-Cards, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application and follow the steps below:

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Account -> E-Cards -> Choose Context

On the left-side panel, select Account, go to E-cards and click on the Choose Context selection.

Image: JobPts application - E-Cards

In the filter we display each of the E-cards context. You can select multiple contexts. 

Image: JobPts application - Choose Context for E-cards
Once you have selected a context from the drop-down menu, a list of all the associated E-Cards will appear. The order of the E-cards can be changed by dragging and dropping the rows in the table presented. 
After the new order is set, you will have to click the Save button before exiting the context.
Image: JobPts application - E-cards
Advanced customization
With advanced customization of E-cards, you can enhance the user experience even further and tailor it to specific needs.
Image: JobPts application - E-card advanced customization 
When creating a new ecard customization or editing it, you will be presented with the following pop-up window.
Image: JobPts application - New E-card customization 
When customizing the E-card, you will have two options available. 
  • Map E-Cards with recognition programs. 
    This allows for specific E-Cards to be assigned to particular recognition programs.
  • Map E-Cards with award reasons
    This allows to connect award reasons with dedicated E-Cards. When the user selects an award reason in the program, the predefined E-Card is automatically selected. 
The Force E-Card option is available only when one award reason is mapped with an E-card. If this option is chosen, the user will not be able to add any free text or select any other E-card. Whenever the award reason is selected, the E-card will be pre-populated.
Please review our comprehensive step by step video guide:
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