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Create New Post on Social Feed

This article will guide you on how an admin can create a new post which will be displayed on the social feed.

To access the page, navigate to:

Admin Center > Communications > Admin Posts

On the top of the page, admins can filter created posts based on the following criteria:

  • Status: Active or Archived posts
  • Visibility: Scheduled, Published, Expired

By default, the list displays only active posts, with archived ones accessible via a drop down menu. Archived posts can be reactivated by admins.

Image: Admin Posts - Overview

  • Title: Displays a concise description of each post.
  • Created by: Full name of the post creator.
  • Created on: Date when the post was initially created.
  • Visibility:
    • Scheduled: Post is set to start in the future.
    • Published: Post is currently live on the social wall.
    • Expired: Post was published but has since expired.
  • Actions:
    • Edit: Allows administrators to modify post details.
    • Archive: Moves the post to the archive.

You can create a new post by selecting the Create New Post button:

Image: Admin Post - Create new post

Administrative Title 

An optional field allowing administrators to add a header to the social wall post.

Date Range  

Administrators can set a date range specifying when the post will be visible on the social wall.

Public Post Title

A short, distinct description of the post for internal reference in the Admin Center.

Announcement Text

The main content of the post, conveying the employee recognition message.

Upload Image  

An optional field allowing administrators to upload a single image.

Once you've filled in all of the details, click on the Save button.

The admin post will be displayed on the social feed, an example is displayed in the below screenshot: 

Image: Admin Post - Post displayed on social feed

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