🛒 Track and Use Rewards

Create Personalized Wrap Up

Discover how to create and share comprehensive quarterly or yearly wrap ups on LinkedIn, complete with the option to download them as PDF files.

In this article:

  • Create and edit new wrap up
  • Publish wrap-up on LinkedIn
  • Download wrap-up as PDF file
  • Activate Wrap-Up
  • Translate Wrap-Up

Log in to JobPts –> Programs –> Manage Wrap Ups –> Create New Wrap-Up

Image: JobPts application – Manage Wrap-ups

As indicated in the screenshot, there are two types of wrap up: quarterly and yearly.

Once the Create New Wrap-Up button is clicked, fulfill and choose your preferences for the new wrap-up.

  • Wrap-Up Title – enter a title for your wrap-up

*Note: Default wrap-up title is already entered, anyway you may change it at any time.

  • Wrap-Up Subtitle - enter a subtitle for your wrap-up

*Note: Default wrap-up subtitle is already entered, anyway you may change it at any time.

  • Recognition Summary – enter the recognition summary text here.

*Note: Default recognition summary text is already entered, anyway you may change it at any time.

  • Most Appreciated For – enter a text for which the most recognitions were received for.

*Note: Default message is already entered, anyway you may change it at any time.

  • Select between Custom Message or Award Reason Wrap Up Description radio buttons.
  1. If Custom message is selected, there will be additional text field for custom message.
  2. If Award Reason Description is enabled, the wrap up description for the award reason will be pulled.
  • Leaderboard Text– enter a leaderboard text.

*Note: Default message is already entered, anyway you may change it at any time.

  • Top Employees Percentage – enter a number from 1 to 100. If the employee belongs to the entered number of percentage, additional section will appear on application, emphasizing the moment that they are in the Top X % of most appreciated employees.

  • Upload wrap up background – mandatory field (max size of 300 kb).
  • Share on LinkedIn toggle – Enabled by default. If disabled, the wrap-up cannot be shared on LinkedIn.

    • Title Color – choose a title color from the color picker.
    • Subtitle Color – choose a subtitle color from the color picker.
    • Background Color - choose a background color from the color picker.
    • Recognitions – select this checkbox to include recognitions in the total award count.
    • Nominations - select this checkbox to include nominations in the total award count.
    • Nomination Winners - select this checkbox to include nomination winners in the total award count.
  • *Note: At least one option must be selected to save the wrap up.

    • Select Wrap Up Period – select one of the 2 possible options:
    1. Quarterly Wrap Up - when enabled, a new tile summarizing all awards received during the quarter will be added to each user's My Awards section on the first day of each quarter.
    2. Yearly Wrap Up when enabled, on January 1st of each year, the system will generate a new tile for each user, compiling all awards received throughout the previous year. A tile is created if the user has received awards equal to or exceeding the defined threshold.
    • Awards Threshold – define threshold for quarterly/yearly wrap-up. This is a mandatory field.

    *Note: The number entered here represents the minimum threshold of received awards required to generate a wrap-up tile.


    To access the created wrap-up on application, follow the steps:

Log in to JobPts –> My Awards –> select your Wrap Up  

Image: JobPts application – Quarterly Wrap Up

Additional options will be possible here:

  • Download as .PDF button – on click will download the PDF version of the wrap-up
  • Share on LinkedIn button – on click a modal with an option to share the wrap-up on LinkedIn will open

*Note: This option is available if LinkedIn integration is active and enabled for the specific wrap-up (Yearly/Quarterly).

Image: JobPts application – Share on LinkedIn

Image: JobPts application – Mostly Appreciated For