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Create Subsidy Campaign

Learn the steps about how to set up a Subsidy campaign.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Campaigns -> Manage Subsidy Campaigns

Subsidy campaigns are an option for employees to receive payroll monetary assistance from the company when investing towards accomplishing a certain goal.

To create a Subsidy Campaign, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. On the left-hand side, select Campaigns and then Manage Subsidy Campaigns.

On the screen, you will see all previously created Subsidy Campaigns accordingly.

Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 13-49-22 Manage Subsidy CampaignsImage: JobPts application - Manage Subsidy Campaigns

To start creating a new campaign, click on Create New Campaign button at the top right.  This will open a new window where you should enter details for the new campaign.

Fields that need to be entered are: Campaign Name, Campaign Image, Campaign Assistance Text, Campaign Description, Disclaimer Text, Valid From, Valid To dates, and Campaign Participants, Budget Info and Sections.

Image: JobPts application - Create New Subsidy Campaign

  • Under Campaign Name give a specific name to the Campaign as it will appear in the application;
  • Under Campaign Assistance Text write a text to briefly explain the purpose of the campaign. This text will appear in the application in the right-side assistance panel;
  • Under Campaign Description write an explanation about the campaign. This text will be displayed under the campaign name within the application;
  • Campaign Disclaimer, often defined as โ€˜Terms and Conditionsโ€™, is a disclaimer about the program that the user needs to agree to participate in the campaign;
  • Select Campaign Images;
  • Period - dates from/until the campaign will be active in the application.
  • Campaign Participants โ€“ select between:
    • All - all employees will be able to take part in this campaign.
    • By Org Unit - only employees from the certain organizational unit will be eligible for the campaign.
    • Upload from Excel allows you to upload an Excel file with all the required fields to add a list of specific users allowed to enroll.

Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 13-59-10 Create New Subsidy Campaign

Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 13-55-41 Create New Subsidy Campaign

Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 13-56-13 Create New Subsidy Campaign

  • Budget Info:
    • If the Budget is Unlimited checkbox is ticked, there is no need to set the budget amount. But if there is a limited budget, both these values need to be entered.
    • Show Usage Bar adds a visual usage bar for users to check the progress towards the budget limit when enrolling in the subsidy campaign.
      • Wage Type - is a coding system used to define a type of payment to the user's payroll. This option is usually used by the HR administration to define the gross pay and deductions per each org unit.
      • Cost Center allows you to specify the department within the company that provides the budget for this campaign.
      • Budget Amount can be set if there is no unlimited budget.
      • Points Per Participant, is the maximum amount a single user can receive for this specific campaign.

Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 13-57-49 Create New Subsidy CampaignImage: JobPts application - Budget Info

  • The Campaign is Active - is active once this checkbox is marked.
  • Campaign Sections
    • Add Section - by clicking on this button a whole new modal will open. Here you can name a new label, and select an additional text field or the drop-down menu to appear.
      • Label Name - is the name of the drop-down list.
      • Option value - is the options which are going to be listed in the drop-down list.
      • Text Field - if this option is selected, the user will see a text box in the application where (s)he will need to explain the reason for her submission.
      • Dropdown - if this option is selected, the user will have additional options in the drop-down list to select.


Image: JobPts application - Add section

*Note: You need to have at least one campaign section to create a new one.

After you are finished, click Save to create the campaign.

Available Actions for each campaign are Edit, Translate, and Wage Types.

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