✅ Transactional Reports

Engagement Hub

Visual representation of widely used corporate analytics

In this article:

The dashboard provides a visual representation of widely used corporate analytics.  It can be the most efficient way for tracking the activity of users and analyze engagement over time.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Reports -> Dashboard

Recognition dashboard -  shows all activities that employees have in a selected period of time. Available charts here are:

  • Employee Activities Timeline
  • Awards Usage,
  • Awards sent per quarter
  • Awards Reasons
  • Top 5 E-Gift Merchants and 
  • Program Drilldown per Country

Image: JobPts Dashboard Report - Recognition   

The Recognition report can be filtered by: 

  • Country - select the country for which you want the data to be filtered 
  • Business Unit - select the Business Unit for which you want the data to be filtered
  • Company Code - select the Company Code for which you want the data to be filtered
  • Department - select the Department for which you want the data to be filtered

    *All filters are available for multiple selection.

Employee Activities TimelineImage: Employee Activities Timeline

Image: Awards Usage and Awards sent per quarter 

Image: Awards Reason and Top 5 E-Gift Merchants 

Wow AwardsImage: Programs Sender in Points  

Feedback dashboard -  shows all activities that employees have in the selected period of time for using feedback functionality. Available charts here are:

  • Feedback Activities Timeline,
  • Feedback Types Usage,
  • Sent feedback per quarter,
  • Sent Behaviors,
  • Requested Behaviors

The Feedback report can be filtered by: 

  • Country - select the country for which you want the data to be filtered 
  • Business Unit - select the Business Unit for which you want the data to be filtered 
  • Company Code - select the Company Code for which you want the data to be filtered 
  • Department - select the Department for which you want the data to be filtered 

Feedback - ReportImage: JobPts Dashboard Report - Feedback 

Feedback Activities TimelineImage: Feedback Activities Timeline

Feedback Types Usage and Sent feedback per quarterImage: Feedback Types Usage and Sent feedback per quarter 

Sent BehaviorsImage: Sent Behaviors and Requested Behaviors 

Health dashboard -  shows the corporate health and wellness activities.  It is represented by two charts:

  • Corporate achievements 
  • Achievements by measure type, showing the achieved Health goals by using Health functionality.

Health Report

Image: JobPts Dashboard Report - Health 

CorporateImage: JobPts Dashboard Report - Corporate Achievements

Achievments Image: JobPts Dashboard Report - Achievements by measure type

Please review our comprehensive step by step video guide:

Dashboard Report v2

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