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Data Deletion

This article will help you learn how to set up and modify data deletion for users.

Employers can take ownership of the data and decide how long the posts will be visible on the social feed and anonymize the info for the inactive users. To configure the Data Deletion, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. From the left-side panel, click on Account and then select Data Deletion.

Log in to JobPts > Admin Center > Administration > Data Deletion

Image: JobPts Application - Data Deletion
We provide two functionalities for Data deletion:
  • Data Deletion Social Feed Posts - When enabling  "Delete Posts", form will be presented where the user should define after how many months the posts on the social feed will be deleted.
    Note*: This applies only for deleting posts from the Social Feed. The transactions will be still visible in My awards, Send award, etc.
  • Data Anonymization Recognition Transaction - When enabling this anonymization form will be presented where the user should define after how many months the recognition transactions will anonymize for the inactive users. Eg: if you have inactive user and you set the anonymize the date after 1 month, all transactions of this user will be displayed with an anonymous name rather than the user's name.

Click Save at the end

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