๐Ÿ“Š Content Analytics

Data Protection in Reports and Analytics

This article covers the data protection aspects utilized for reports and analytics

You canโ€™t manage what you canโ€™t measure. This is especially true when it comes to internal communication. We believe it is in your and your usersโ€™ legitimate interest to measure and increase the reach and efficiency of your communications and other content. So that you can provide your users with content that is engaging and relevant to them. Itโ€™s essential that a tool that measures engagement has a strong focus on privacy and data protection.

We processes limited personal data, for the provision of reports in the Nurture admin center. We apply the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards as the data processor and processes personal data only in accordance with the applicable data processing agreement (DPA). You as customer remain in control over the information processed for the provision of reports and analytics for your organization.

We Value Your Employeesโ€™ Privacy

We have placed privacy and data protection at the core of how we develop our products, services, and  internal governance. This also applies to the way reports and analytics is built. For this reason, we ensure the following:

  1. No third-party analytics services: We do not use the services of any third party, such as Google Analytics. We have built reports and analytics and manage it in-house to provide you with valuable insights into your content and its reach and engagement. 
  2. Data minimization: For the provision of reports and analytics, we only processes limited information that is related to user activities. Information that is required to create the Analytics metrics includes:
      • A timestamp to filter activities based on time.  
      • A User ID to determine unique user metrics.
        The User ID is a random set of numbers that has no relation to other user attributes, such as the userโ€™s name. It is generated by the system upon the creation of each user account and it is securely stored in our systems. The use of User IDs for the benefit of reports and analytics give you an accurate picture of your user engagement.
    1. No user profile tracking: Analytics does not create individual user profiles for tracking the steps of a particular user. Instead, these individual activities are aggregated into useful reports on general user interactions. 
    2. Options for opt-in and opt-out: Upon request, we can activate an opt-in or opt-out option for Analytics. With the opt-in option, users can be asked one time upon login to agree to the confidential analysis of their usage data to improve the app experience. With the opt-out option, your users can object to the use of their User ID for the purposes of analytics from their app settings. For more information about the opt-in and opt-out options, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.