🙋 Requesting Instant Feedback
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  3. 🙋 Requesting Instant Feedback

Delete Feedback Requests

This article explains how you can delete a feedback request that you have placed, prior to somebody responding to it

Login  -> Sent Feedback -> Requested Feedback

To access the Sent Feedback, from the home screen, navigate to the Sent Feedback tile.

In the Sent Feedback window, click on the Requested Feedback tab.

request feedback

Image: Feedback application - Sent Feedback - Requested Feedback

In the Requested Feedback tab, the user can see all the feedback requests and the progress of responses to requested feedback, respectively. If a user has not responded to a feedback request, the same can be deleted. 

To delete the request, click the request card. 

To delete the entire request (for all users), click on the Delete Request button in the upper right corner.  This action will delete the entire feedback request. 

To delete the request for a particular user, click on Invited Users. In the Invited Users modal, next to the name of the invited user, click on the delete button. This action will delete the feedback request from that particular user.delete feedback Image: Requested Feedback - Request Details - Delete Request. 

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