💮 Culture and Team

Department Profile

This article will help you learn how to access your department profile information.

Log in to JobPts -> Hover Over User Image -> Culture Profiles -> Departments 

On the homepage of the platform, click on the User Profile field in the top right corner and on the pop-up menu, select the Culture Profiles section and then click on the Departments tab in the middle of your screen. 

JobPts - Home - My ProfileImage: JobPts application - Culture Profiles

A new screen will be presented with Department Profile details.

JobPts - DepartmentsImage: JobPts application - Department Profiles

On the left side of the Department Profile page, you will be presented with the logged user's department as well and some basic information about the department such as:

  • Departments members 
  • Members Locations 

Below Department basic information, you have an option to Compare Departments within the company.  You will be displayed with the total number of Received  and Sent Recognitions for both departments within the last 4 months.

Compare DepartmentsImage: JobPts application - Compare Departments

At the top left corner of the page you will find the Departments Leaderboard tile which will display the top five departments that received or send most of the recognition.


Image: JobPts application - Departments Leaderboard

With the Departments Profile section on the center of your screen you are displayed with the selected department Top value, as well as the total number of recognitions received and sent in that department. 

In the center of the screen, you are presented with a brief overview of your department and with information for the top value that represents the department, number of sent and received recognitions with that value, information for Your Contribution to the department and Culture statistics.

Your ContributionImage: JobPts application - Departments - your contribution to this department

  • Your contribution to this department - calculated based on the recognitions you've sent/received compared to the total number of recognitions sent by the department's members
  • Your most received values - top five values you are mostly recognized for
  • Culture statistics - Top receivers from the department. On hover you are able to see the recognitions received for each user. 
  • Received Values - Top five values the department has been recognized for

By switching over to the Members tab, you will see all of the members in the department as well as their contribution of Sent and Received Recognitions. Below each user you have an information of the number of recognitions sent to you and Received from you.  

Most Popular Recognitions-1
Image: JobPts application - Departments - Members & Recognitions

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