🛒 Rewards Reports

Earn Points Report

Report about earned points of the employees.

The Earn Points Report on JobPts lets you preview the results of all earned points of the employees by participating in a designated employee Campaign.  

To see this report, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. From the left-side panel, click on Reports and then Earn Points Report. 

Log in to JobPts -> Reports -> Earn Points Report 

Image: JobPts application - Earn Points Report

*Note: Only admin users can see the Admin Center button and see the Reports. 

Several Filter options are available to get the desired results:

  • Choose Campaign,
  • Country,
  • Org Unit,
  • User,
  • Earned Points Status; and
  • Date from & Date until

Additionally, the following information are presented within the report:

  • Username – ID of the user. 
  • Org Unit – shows users from the user's organizational unit. 
  • Earn points – number of earned points. 
  • Transaction Date – when the request was made.  
  • Campaign Status Approval Date - when the request was approved. 
  • Approval Manager – name of the appointed approval manager. 
  • Country - shows where the user is logged in. 
  • Selected Options – short description left by the employee. 
  • Attachments – download the document provided by the employee as proof.  

Once you have defined your filtering preferences click the Search button to generate the results.

The Export to Excel button helps export the results in an Excel file.

Image: JobPts application - Earn Points Report


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