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Feedback Behaviours

Learn how to activate Feedback Behaviours that will be used for the Feedback Programs

Under the Admin Center, there is an option to manage Feedback Behaviours. Depending on the setting, the activated Feedback Behaviours will be used for the Feedback Programs.

Login -> Admin Center -> Account-> Feedback Behaviours

To access and activate the feedback behaviours log in to the JobPts Admin Center. On the left-side panel, click on Account and then Feedback Behaviours.

Image: Admin Center application - Feedback Behaviours

On the screen, you can see all core award reasons with the following information:

  • Title of the behaviour
  • Core value description of the behaviour that will be shown in the assistance panel when selected
  • Award image of the behaviour that will be shown in the assistance panel when selected
  • Status - can be activated/deactivated. Only active feedback behaviours will be visible for feedback programs