Feedback Experience
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Feedback Overview Page

In this article, we will guide you on how to use the modules from the Feedback Overview Page.

The Admin Center is a place to discover all administration tasks and business insights on how to operate, manage, and optimize all your programs. On the left-side menu, the admin can access all self-service tools in the system.

Image: Admin Center - Feedback Overview

On the home page in the Admin Center, the admin user can see the following information:

  • Users - displays the total number of active users within the system.
  • Locations - displays the total number of active locations within the system.
  • Feedback Sent - this tile indicates the total feedback given.
  • Feedback Requested - this tile displays the count of feedback requests made within the current month.
  • Strength - displays the number of feedback transactions marked as "strength" for the current month. This includes unsolicited feedback, given feedback and responses to feedback requests. This tile is not clickable.
  • Need Development - displays the number of feedback transactions marked as "need development" for the current month. This includes unsolicited feedback, given feedback, and responses to feedback requests. Tile is not clickable.

For the remaining sections on click over the tile, the admin will be redirected to the corresponding report in a new tab.


Illustrates the distribution of feedback givers across various locations, highlighting the top 5 locations where employees are most active in providing feedback.

Feedback Given By Managers

These pie charts will be visible only if enabled in System Settings. They present feedback given by managers, categorized into 'Strength' and 'Needs Development.' The data reflects feedback from the current month and aligns with the company's existing structure.

Feedback Given Anonymous 

Visible only if enabled in System Settings, this feature analyzes feedback transactions exclusively from anonymous users. Feedback is categorized into 'Strength' and 'Needs Development' to reveal trends in positive versus negative anonymous feedback.

JobPts Application Access 

Easy access to the application interface.

Admin User Guide

Instant access to the admin user guide.

Start Date

Information displaying the application's start date.


Image: Admin Center - Feedback Overview


This section will only appear if enabled in System Settings. It includes charts highlighting the top 7 most frequently used behaviors for the current month. Feedback for each behavior is categorized into 'Strengths' and 'Needs Development.' This analysis encompasses all feedback types, regardless of anonymity or visibility to managers or end users. The focus is on aggregating feedback given for these behaviors throughout the month. The charts will display each behavior's feedback as 100% divided between positive (Strengths) and negative (Needs Development) sentiments.

View of All Feedbacks

  • Given Feedback - This chart shows the feedback given, comparing Anonymous vs. Not Anonymous transactions.
  • Get Feedback - This chart categorizes feedback requested as Personal vs. For Someone Else.
Manager's Leaderboard

This section displays the top 10 managers for the current month. The leaderboard includes the following information:

  • Rank: positions range from 1 to 10.
  • Full Name: the manager's full name, along with their username and country.
  • Engagement Index: the engagement index for the current month.
  • Feedback Given: displays the total number of Feedback given for the current month. Information that we are currently calculating in the Analytics point of view. 

*Note: You can manage some of these functionalities in the system settings under module configuration, specifically under "Feedback Options."

Image: Admin Center - System Settings - Feedback Options
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