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How to Administer the System Settings

This article will help you understand the features available in the System Settings to tailor the JobPts environment based on your needs.

To navigate toward the System Settings, first, you need to log in to the JobPts homepage and follow the steps below. 

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Administration -> System Settings

The System Settings page is divided into three tabs: General Settings, Module Configuration and Culture Intelligence Configuration. You can select between the tabs on the top of the page. 

You can quickly navigate through the article by clicking on any of the contents below:

General Settings

  1. Currency and Conversions
  2. Application Settings
  3. My Profile Settings
  4. Social Feed Settings
  5. Message Quality Indicator
  6. Proxy and Administrative Settings
  7. User Satisfaction
Module Configuration
  1. Redeem Options
  2. Recognition Options
  3. Feedback Options
  4. Celebration Options
  5. Skills Options

Culture Intelligence Options

Image: JobPts application - System Settings - General Settings

General Settings

1.  Currency and Conversions

Currency settings

  • Base Currencies - Is the base currency that the system will use for each conversion done in the system. 1 Job Point = 1 base currency selected. 
  • Hide currency - Removes visibility of points conversion and limits redemption possibilities to only the Custom Store and Personalized Products.
  • Use API Recognition Conversion - If you want to use daily conversion rates that are provided by https://currencylayer.com/, mark this box. This will prevent manually entering the conversion rates. 

Financial Preferences

  • Use Stripe - This option enables the employees to redeem gifts when they do not have enough points. They will be able to redeem the product/item by paying the remaining amount using their credit card. 
  • User Daily Dollar Spending Limit - Define a daily spending threshold for each user by combining both Points and Stripe transactions.

2.  Application Settings

User Experience Preferences

  • Show Notifications - Here you can select if the notifications will be shown on the home page. Email communication will continue regardless of this setting.  
  • Enable Copilot - Enable or disable the AI Copilot to tailor your experience. If you prefer to work without AI assistance, keep the checkbox deactivated.
  • Enable Callback Option - here you can enable/disable the "Callback option" in the support center. The whole option alongside with the toggle will not be available for end users.

Characters limit

  • Max Appreciation/Nomination Message Characters - Specify the max character limit for appreciation & nomination messages, ensuring it does not exceed 5000 characters.
  • Min Appreciation Length Limit - Specify the min character limit for appreciation messages.
  • Max Comments Character Limit - Specify the max character limit for comments on social wall, ensuring it does not exceed 2000 characters.
  • Min Comments Character Limit - Specify the min character limit for comments on social wall.
  • Max Celebrations Character Limit - Specify the max character limit for celebration messages, ensuring it does not exceed 2400 characters.
  • Min Celebrations Character Limit - Specify the minimum character limit for celebration messages.

My Awards Filters - enable or disable the filter sets in My Awards

  • Search Recognitions
  • Program Type
  • Additional Filters
  • Search Redeemed Rewards
  • Status Redeemed Rewards
  • Redeem Category
  • Search Campaigns
  • Status Campaigns

Sent Awards Filters - enable or disable the filter sets in Sent Awards.

  • Search Recognitions
  • Program Type
  • Additional Filters
  • Status of Award


From here you can define the default filter for the application.

  • Global - Enabling this option applies the default filter to celebrations and leaderboards based on global level.
  • Country - Enabling this option applies the default filter to celebrations and leaderboards based on country.
  • Org unit - Enabling this option applies the default filter to celebrations and leaderboards based on org unit.

My Profile Settings

General & Notification Settings

  • Show Overview Tab - If selected, employees will be able to see the Overview tab in My Profile page.
  • Show Welcome Slider - If selected, employees will be able to see Welcome Slider checkbox in My Profile page.
  • Show Social feed notifications - If selected, employees will be able to see Social feed notifications checkbox in My Profile page.
  • Show Recognition Notifications - If selected employees will be able to see Recognition Notifications checkbox in My Profile page.
  • Show Nomination Notifications - If selected employees will be able to see Nomination Notifications checkbox in My Profile page.
  • Show Nomination Information - If selected employees will be able to see Nomination Information checkbox in My Profile page.
  • Show Campaign Notifications - If selected employees will be able to see Campaign Notifications checkbox in My Profile page.
  • Show Celebration Notifications - If selected employees will be able to see Celebration Notifications checkbox in My Profile page.
  • Show Feedback Notifications - If selected employees will be able to see Feedback Notifications checkbox in My Profile page.

Exclude me from Preferences

  • Anniversaries - If checked, users have the ability to exclude themselves from anniversaries under My profile page in application.
  • Birthdays - If checked, users have the ability to exclude themselves from birthdays under My profile page in application.
  • Moments that matter - If checked, users have the ability to exclude themselves from celebrating moments that matter under My profile page in application.
  • Leaderboard - If checked, users have the ability to exclude themselves from all leaderboard/ranking list under My profile page in application.
  • Point-Based Rewards - If checked, users have the ability to exclude themselves from monetary awards such as recognitions, nominations , service anniversaries and campaigns under My profile page in application.
  • Emails - If checked, users have the ability to exclude themselves from receiving emails under My profile page in application.
  • SMS - If checked, users have the ability to exclude themselves from receiving SMS text messages under My profile page in application.
  • Social Wall - If checked, users have the ability to exclude themselves from posting awards on social wall under My profile page in application.

Help & Support

  • Show Support Tickets - If selected, employees will be able to see Support tickets in My Profile page.
  • Show Knowledge Base - If selected, employees will be able to see Knowledge Base in My Profile page.
  • Enable Semos Cloud โ€“ Resources - Enable or disable the Resources option under Help & Support tab in My Profile page.
  • Enable Hubspot - Chatbot feature will be activated within the "My Profile" section of the application.

Profile Submenu Configuration

  • Show Change Language - If selected, employees will be able to see Change Language button in application submenu.
  • Show Sign Out - If selected, employees will be able to see Sign Out button in application submenu.

Social Feed Settings

Reaction Configuration - enable or disable the reaction types on the social wall.

  • Like
  • Love
  • Celebrate
  • Wow
  • Applause
  • High-five
  • Support

Filter Criteria

Enable different filter categories for the social wall. If checked, additional options for that category will appear.

Recognition Type & Program - Select this set to refine posts by Program Type, Award Reason, and Program Name. Dynamic options appear based on the social wall content.

  • Program Type
  • Program Name
  • Award Reason

Media and Content

Utilize the Media Type filter to refine posts based on the content type, whether it is "Attachments," "eCards," "GIFs," or "Text Posts".

  • Attachments
  • eCards
  • GIFs
  • Only Text Posts

Time and Date

Set your time filters eligibility for "Today," "This Week," "This Month," or a "Custom date" for more specific searches.

  • Today
  • This Week
  • This Month
  • Custom Date

Organization & Teams

Filter posts by Department, My Team, or Global view. Set the default view of posts the users will have when accessing the platform.

  • Global
  • My Posts
  • My Team
  • Department
  • Division
  • Location

Interaction and Engagement

Sort posts with Newest/Oldest filter, Trending posts, or do employee-specific searches.

  • Newest
  • Oldest
  • Trending
  • Employee Name

Social Feed Preferences

  • Remove Social Feed Title - Title of the social feed at the top of the social wall will be removed from the application.

Message Quality Indicator

AI Configuration

  • Message Quality Indicator - Activate MQI for improved message quality assessment while sending recognitions. 

3.  Proxy and Administrative Settings


  • Proxy self-service enablement - End users can delegate proxy rights to designated individuals. However, proxy administrators will retain their eligibility to act as a proxy for anyone.
  • Remove Manager's Statements - Exclude this tab from the approvals section within the application.
  • Custom Boardflo Link - In case you are using a shared Boardflo instance, enter the exact Boardflo link of that instance. 

    *Note: By default this custom link should not be filled in. In case Boardflo is on a different subaccount than JobPts this link should be filled in. 

    Admin settings

  • Admin in English - the translation pages in the Admin Center will be in English if this option is checked, regardless of the administrator's location or language settings
  • Limit Landing Images -  Number of maximum active landing images.
  • Recognition Overview - select this option if the primary focus of your organization is on recognition activities.
  • Feedback Overview - select this option if the primary focus of your organization is on feedback activities.
  • Months to store platform utilization data - enter the number of days you would like to store the data for the Platform Utilization Report. 
  • Disable 'Don't Show Again' - Disable the checkbox 'Don't show again' on the Landing Images so the end users are not able to disable the image.
  • Email Sending - Toggle to control email sending for testing. Unchecked prevents emails; checked enables normal flow.

Overview Configuration

  • Award Reasons - show the chart for top 7 Award reasons.
  • Recognition Message Trends - show the chart for recognition message trends.
  • Manager's Leaderboard - Show the Leaderboard for top 10 Managers for the month.
  • Define Start Date of the application.
  • Upload Admin Guide - option for uploading admin guide for different languages.

Image: JobPts application - System Settings - Overview Configuration

Culture Profile Settings

  • Restrict Culture Profile to Admin Users - Limit Culture Profile visibility solely to administrators. Regular users won't be able to see this page.


Module Configuration


Image: JobPts application - System Settings - Module Configuration

1.  Redeem Options

Display Preference

  • Tiles view - Show active options selected below as tile cards.
  • Interactive catalogue - If interactive catalogue is selected, additional sliders containing interactive information, such as Trending, Just for you, and Buy Again, will appear within the Redeem tile.

Slider Configuration - specify eligible cards in the Redeem options slider.

  • Trending
  • Just For You
  • Buy Again

Catalog Eligibility

  • Custom Products- has all the products that are manually created by the company HR/admin team. They can be monetary or non-monetary. 
  • Viator - users can redeem their received points by booking a well-deserved holiday, travel, or a lifetime experience with the new integration with Viator
  • Virtual Card - has all the products that are based on redeeming virtual payment cards 
  • Donation - has all available organizations for donating  
  • eGift cards - have all e-gift catalogs that are available, worldwide, and unique for each country 
  • eBay - lists all 5-star eBay sellers and their Buy Now merchandise. 
  • Amazon - is built on integration with the Amazon store 
  • Personalized Products
  • SwagUp
  • Payroll

*Note: For each redemption option, you can include/exclude particular locations by clicking on the Eligibility Custom button located next to each option.

Image: JobPts application - Eligibility for Product

2.  Recognition Options

Program Settings

  • Share Points -  Enables the Share Points program.
  • Team Award - Enables the team award option. If this option is disabled you not be able to send a team recognition
  • Approve Team Awards like Team - this allows you to approve a Team Award instead of manually approving each team member individually.
  • Boost Feature - Enable the Boost button on the social wall.

Display Recognitions By

  • Program Name - If selected, program name will appear as showcase value for the received recognition.
  • Award Reason - If selected, award reason name will appear as showcase value for the received recognition.
  • Step/Range Name - If selected, step/range name will appear as showcase value for the received recognition.

Display Preferences

  • Recognition Type Label - this enables the admin user to define if the recognition type label will be presented in the JobPts Application on the My Available Programs page. If the check box โ€œDisplay Recognition Type Labelโ€ is checked under System Settings, the recognition type label will be displayed. 
  • Campaign Type Label - If this option is selected, the campaign type (Subsidy, Health, Earn Points) will be visible in the application. Otherwise, no label will be displayed. 
  • Private Recognition - this will enable the JobPts users to define if the sent recognition should be private or not while sending the recognition through the JobPts Application. If this is selected, a new toggle โ€œPublic Post/Private Postโ€  will appear when sending the recognition, which the user can manage, depending on if the recognition should be posted on the social feed or not. 
  • Health Analytics - when enabled, Health Analytics will be displayed within JobPts

    Image: JobPts application - Display Preferences

Recognition Analytics

  • Recognition Analytics - include recognition analytics to the analytics tile.
  • Non-Monetary Tile - activate the 'Non-Monetary Tile' to view award reasons sent as part of non-monetary programs.
  • Comparison Tile - enable the 'Comparison Tile' in the Manager's Analytics, giving managers the capability to compare two individuals within their view.
  • Monetary Tile - activate the 'Monetary Tile' to view award reasons sent as part of monetary programs.
  • Hierarchy Level - select between: Direct Reports Only, Direct + Second Level Reports & Three Levels Down.

Notification Settings

  • Pending recognition reminders in days - set the number of days before managers are reminded of pending recognitions.
  • Multi-User Selection Limit โ€“ define the maximum number of users that can be added during 'select all' or multiple selections.
  • Maximum Users for CC - specify the maximum number of users that can be added to the CC field when recognizing someone.

SMS Communication Availability

  • Enable SMS - Communications section to become accessible in both the "Manage Peer to Peer Programs" and "Manage Moments that Matter".
  • SMS Message Length Limit - Limit the number of characters for the appreciation message to be displayed in the SMS message 

NFT Integration

  • Enable NFT - enable this option to enable users to convert their recognition messages into non fungible tokens (NFTs). 
  • Appreciation Message - turn off converting of the message for privacy compliance.
  • Create Collection - to enable NFTs you need to create a collection (admin will need to enter a collection name, description, NFT title and to upload a cover image of the collection).
  • Add a custom disclaimer text for NFTs.

Reports Settings - list of employees available for the 'Redeem for someone else' feature.

  • All Employees
  • Not Active Employees
  • Deskless Employees

3.  Feedback Options

Feedback - enable Feedback as a module. If checked, additional configuration will appear below

Team and Multi-User Settings

  • Team Feedback - allow users to create and give feedback to entire teams.
  • Multi-User Selection Limit - define the maximum number of users that can be added during 'select all' or multiple selections.
  • Behaviors - if selected, will show the chart for top 7 behaviors.
  • View of All Feedback - if selected, will show the charts for feedback allocation.
  • Manager's Leaderboard - if selected will show the Leaderboard for top 10 Managers for the month.
  • Define Start Date
  • Upload Admin Guide - option to upload admin guide for different languages.
  • Feedback Given by Managers - if selected, will show the charts for feedback given by managers.
  • Feedback Given by Anonymous - if selected, will show the charts for anonymously given feedback.

Display Preferences

  • Behavior Image - this enables the admin user to define if the feedback behavior image will be presented in the JobPts Application under the Select Recipients page when the user selects the Feedback behavior.  If the check box โ€œFeedback Behavior Image โ€ is checked under System Settings, the feedback behavior image will not be displayed. 
  • Feedback Type Label- this enables the admin user to define if the feedback type label will be presented in the JobPts Application on the My Available Feedback Programs page. If the check box โ€œFeedback Type Labelโ€ is checked under System Settings, the feedback type label will be displayed. 

4.  Celebration Options

Display Preference

  • Tiles View - will show active options selected below as tile cards.
  • Interactive celebration page - will display celebrations with sliders and tiles for more interactive experience.

Interactive Celebration Page Options

  • Past events visibility (days) - define the number of days for which past events will remain visible under 'Celebrations'.
  • Days for personal events in slider - set the limit for the number of days personal events will appear in the slider.
  • Days for missed events in slider - set the limit for the number of days missed events will be displayed in the slider.
  • Days for future events in slider - set the limit for the number of days upcoming events will be shown in the slider.

Memory Book Settings

  • External Memory Book - Select this option for memory book previously created as a template into Boardflo.
  • Internal Memory Book - Select this option for memory book that can be created from the admin center of JobPts.

Milestone Badge and Display

  • Milestone Badge - visible to users who have defined an upcoming service anniversary in the system, showcasing the next anniversary milestone they are about to celebrate.
  • Hide automated Moments from Created by me tab - automated moments are attributed to the manager as a creator. Enabling this option will prevent managers from viewing these automated events in the 'Created by Me' tab.

Service Celebrations


  • First Manager Notification Anniversary Email - define when the notification email will be sent to the manager for an upcoming anniversary of their direct report. There is an additional button labeled 'Add Manager's Notification' to include more notifications for managers if necessary.
  • Second Manager Notification Anniversary Email - define when the notification email will be sent to the manager for an upcoming anniversary of their direct report.
  • Days Before Actual Service Anniversary - define when the user will be notified of their upcoming anniversary created through the system. If disabled, the user will receive an email on the date of the event.


  • First Manager Notification Birthday Email - define when the notification email will be sent to the manager for an upcoming birthday of their direct report. 
  • Second Manager Notification Birthday Email - define when the notification email will be sent to the manager for an upcoming birthday of their direct report.
  • Days Before Birthday - define when the user will be notified of their upcoming birthday created through the system. If disabled, the user will receive an email on the date of the event.

Swag shipping

  • Days Before Anniversary To Ship Swag International
  • Days Before Anniversary To Ship Swag US

Skills Options

  • Employees Skill Weight - enter a number 
  • Manager Skill Weight - enter a number

Culture Intelligence Configuration

sys culImage: JobPts application - System Settings - Culture Intelligence Configuration

Culture Intelligence Options

Tab Activation

  • Employee Tenure - Metrics linked to Tenure and Engagement. Disable this tab if client do not provide hire dates.
  • Employee Retention - Metrics linked to Retention and Engagement. Disable this tab if client do not provide hire dates.
  • Diversity and Inclusion - Metrics linked to Gender and Engagement. Disable this tab if client gender data is unavailable.
  • Engagement Insights - Interactions on the social wall, approvals, recognitions, campaigns, celebrations, feedback, and nominations are counted here.
  • Approvers Efficiency - Metrics associated with Approvals in Recognition, Nominations, and Campaigns. Deactivate this tab if the client does not utilize any of these options.
  • Program Ambassador Badge - add the timeframe (in months) for which the users will be calculated as program ambassadors.

Benchmark Configuration

  • Benchmark for good usage - add the benchmark for good usage of the platform. If the usage is below this benchmark an alert for increasing platform utilization will appear in the overview page.
  • Recommended approval time  - add benchmark for recommended approval time.

User Exclusion Settings 

  • Option to exclude employees from culture intelligence. 

 After you make the necessary changes, click Save to update the application.

 this article left your questions unanswered, please submit a Support Form, and we can clarify this topic.