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How to Manage Translations

This article will help you understand how to manage translations from several languages.

To manage the translation, login to JobPts App Center under System Administration, select Manage Translation.

JobPts App Center -> System Administration -> Manage New Translations

Image: JobPts Admin Center – Manage New Translations

* Note: This tab is only visible for super dev roles only.

From the Manage New Translation Page, you will be able to select the language of the translation.

Image: JobPts Admin Center – Translation Languages

Currently, we support human qualified translation for the following languages listed below. Further languages from a list of over 100 languages can be added during the setup and implementation phase.

  1. English
  2. Spanish
  3. German
  4. Japanese
  5. Russian
  6. Chinese
  7. Arabic
  8. Portuguese
  9. French

This page will show only the translations that are not translated in the defined languages. If translation for the selected language is fulfilled, this page won't give any results in the list.


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