🗣️ Giving Instant Feedback
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  3. 🗣️ Giving Instant Feedback

Inform your manager about the received feedback

This article explains how you can inform your manager about feedback that you have received.

Login  -> My Feedback

To access the My Feedback, from the JobPts home screen, navigate to the My Feedback tile.

My FeedbackImage: Feedback application - My Feedbacks Strengths 

In the Strengths tab, users can see all the feedback received related to their strengths. Here you can click on the feedback that you have received. This action will open "My Feedback Details" Page.  

Share with my manager

Image: Feedback application - My Feedbacks Strengths

To share this feedback with your manager, click on "SHARE THIS WITH MY MANAGER".

A warning dialog box will be presented that once you click okay your feedback will be visible to your manager and you can not change it. 

To share this feedback with your manager, click on OK. 

Share with my manager1

Image: Feedback application - My Feedback Details - shared with my manager

This action will disable the "SHARE WITH MY MANAGER" functionality and the manager will receive an email about the received feedback. 

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