👏 Change Mgmt and Adoption

What KPIs do we Track to Measure Impact?

Learning about the different metrics for adoption sustainment and continuous improvement

Visibility of the right data always helps in keeping sustainable environment and deciding on the next steps to achieve desired goals. Having the adoption and engagement information available at any time allows active visibility on the success of the platform towards each target/goal that is being set to achieve.   Example of such metrics are:

  • Implementation Experience (Days to Go Live, First Log-in Users, First Transaction...)
  • Product Utilization (Daily/Monthly Active Users, Feature Usage...)
  • Solution Fit (Business Objectives and Values Delivered)
  • Customer Sentiment (NPS/CSAT, First time to response, Time to Resolution, Number of Support Tickets)
  • Customer Engagement (CSM Interactions, Webinars Attended & QBR, Account Reference Ability)

In the Admin center of JobPts application in a clear tiled page a lot of data points and numbers will be available for transparent overview of the Go Live Experience, for example: Total Points this Month, Total Approvals This Month, Total Recognitions This Month,  Geographic Location on all Appreciators, how is the Employee Engagement Index looking at today and for this month in terms of reaching the targets. 

For measuring the success of the platform and designed programs within it is important to track the product utilization consisted of multiple data points such as: Daily/Monthly Active Users, Features Utilization and continuous engagement. 

We know how important dashboards and visualized reporting are, to understand the trends and patterns in usage, but downloadable and raw data can assist in any custom reports required from specific departments.  To make it reportable there are multiple filters that will segment the transactions data per program name, program type, country, department, date of occurrence, user role of specific user.

With clear visibility of all the appropriate data, we would be able to determine together the User State fit, Problem-Behavior fit, Communication-Channel fit and realize the Solution Fit. We will have clear picture on how much we are accomplishing the Business Objectives and deliver the expected values from each of the programs.​ 

We are strong believers that our success is defined by the success of our clients and that is why we take our Customer Sentiment seriously. Our support model is driven not by quantity only – to resolve many cases quickly, but also quality. Each support request will have all metrics tracked to reflect this values (NPS/CSAT, First time to response, Time to Resolution, Number of Support Tickets)  

The Customer Success team will make sure we maintain the customer engagement at a high level and thus we will maintain frequent cadence of CSM meetings with the customer to align and deliver on customer success plan that we will build and review together. We also organize webinars on subjects that our customers will choose or suggest (CSM Interactions, Webinars Attended & QBR, Account Reference Ability).


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