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Manage Admin Roles

Learn how to set the Admin roles.

Here you can set the Admin Roles. First, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. On the left-side panel, click on Users and then on Manage Admin Roles.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Users -> Manage Admin Roles -> Create New Role

new-admin-role-1Image: JobPts application - Manage Admin Roles

On the screen Manage Admin Roles, you can check the already created Admin roles and create a new one. For creating a new role, click on the Create New Role button in the upper right corner.

new-admin-roleImage: JobPts application - Define Admin Roles

Under Admin Role Name, enter the name for the Admin. For example, New Admin.

Under Admin Type, select between the three possibilities: Global Admin or Local Admin.

In the end, select all the titles from the provided list that should be available for that Admin. Based on the selection here, the newly created Admin will have access only to those sections of the Admin Center.

From the Quick Links check box, you can enable the quick links for the page in the Admin Overview.  This checkbox can be selected only if the page is selected for that particular role.
When the user opens Admin, in Overview Page will be shown only the selected pages for that Admin type.

To keep the changes, click Save.

Global admin

Global admin has unlimited control over the products in subscriptions and can access all data. Can manage rights for other Local Admins and users. Global admin has access to all report data. Can manage all rewards and redeems without approval from another admin. 

Local admin

A local admin account is a user account that can manage a country/region. Generally, a local admin can do anything to the country/region users and reports but cannot modify information in the active directory for the whole subscription.


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