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Manage All Programs

Learn how to manage the order of all programs.

Under the Admin Center, there is an option to set the Manage All Programs. Depending on the setting, each Recognition/Nomination/Sharing Point Program order can be changed by the order you want it to appear in the Program List.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Programs -> Manage All Programs

To access and set the program order log in to the JobPts Admin Center. On the left-side panel, click on Programs and then Manage All Programs.

Image: JobPts application - Manage All Programs

  • The information provided includes the following:
    • Order - representing the program order number by which it will be displayed in the list.
    • Program Name - the name of the program.
    • Program Type - Recognition/Nomination/Sharing Point Program.
    • Last modified - date of the last modification.
    • Action - button for deactivating a program.
  • Two filters you can select between:
    • Active Programs - displays a list of all active programs. All newly created programs will be at the end of the list.
    • Not Active Programs - displays a list of all not active programs. All newly deactivated programs will be at the end of the list.

You can change the order of the programs by dragging and dropping them to the table.

In the end, Save the changes when finished.

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