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Manage Anniversaries

Learn how to create and manage an anniversary.

Under the Admin Center, there is an option to set the Anniversaries. Based on the setting, each employee can receive a certain amount of points (converted in local currency) matched to the years of service in the company.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Celebrations-> Manage Anniversaries -> Create New Anniversary

To access and set the anniversaries log in to the JobPts Admin Center. On the left-side panel, click on Celebrations and then Manage Anniversaries.

Image: JobPts application - Manage Anniversaries

On the following screen, you will see a list of defined anniversaries for specific countries and/or Org Units.

To define new anniversary, click on the Create New Anniversary button. 

Here you can select the following:

  • Country: select the Country in which the anniversary rules are applicable.
  • Company Code: select the Company Code in which the anniversary rules are applicable.
  • Org Unit: select the Org Unit in which the anniversary rules are applicable.
  • Message: Email that will be sent to the celebrator. This email can be fully personalized by clicking on the Message button and then entering your own details. 
    You can edit the messages for each type of service anniversary: Non-Monetary, Monetary and Swag item.
  • Anniversary Sender: You can setup the sender to be the Direct manager of the employee which will receive the anniversary reward or set a dedicated person by selecting the Anniversary president option. 
  • Enable SMS: If this functionality is enabled on the system settings page in the Admin Center, SMS messages for service anniversaries can be sent to all employees or exclusively to deskless employees, depending on the configuration.

Then click the New button to set your preferences. Under Type you can select whether the anniversary will be a non-monetary, monetary kind or linked with a swag item. If you select the non-monetary option, you won't be able to enter any points. 

You can set points to be awarded for each year of the anniversary. For example, each employee in the first year of their anniversary receives ten points, for the second year twenty points and so on. 

If you select the swag item option, you will be able to choose an item from your custom products which will be linked directly with the service anniversary. 

create ann

Image: JobPts application - Create Anniversary

At the end, Save the changes you made.

If you would like to edit or delete defined anniversaries, you can do so by selecting the Actions button for the specific anniversary and clicking Edit or Delete from the drop-down menu.

Image: JobPts application - Create Anniversary

By clicking the Edit button, you can change your anniversary points preferences and the message. After you make the necessary changes, click Save to update. 

The Delete button allows you to delete the defined setup for the selected anniversary. This action is irreversible. 

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