📅 Content Planning

Manage Classification of your Communication

Managing classification of all your communication in categories that make sense for your business

This classification capability allows you to:

classifications for your communications. 

Login to Nurture Communications -> Admin Center -> Templates -> Classification

Currently the following communication types can have defined classifications. 

  • Communication type
  • Category 
  • Topic area 
  • Audience 
  • Language 
  • Calendar type 
  • Strategy pillar 
  • Tags

If you need to alter the communication types please submit a Support Form.

To add new classifications to a category you just need to click on the “add new” button which is located on the top-right corner:
Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification

 This button will open a pop-up window where you can choose the type of classification and the title of the type.

Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification - Add new pop up


Clicking on “Type” opens a dropdown menu that allows you to pick the type of classification.

 Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification - Add new pop up


After choosing a type and writing a title, you click on the “Add” button.

Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification - Add new pop up


Then the pop-up window closes, and you can see your new addition, as well as a pop-up message which says that your new addition has been successfully added.

Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification


Managing classification types

You can edit, disable and delete a classification type.

To edit go to Actions -> Edit

Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification - Actions drop-down


This will open a pop-up window that will allow you to edit the title of the classification type.

Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification - Edit pop-up

And you will also get a pop-up message:

Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification


You can disable a classification type by going to Actions -> Disable:

Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification - Actions drop-down


You can delete a classification type by going to Actions -> Delete.

Please mind: This action cannot be reversed!

Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification - Actions drop-down

A confirmation pop-up dialog will appear:
Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification - Warning pop-up

Click Delete to complete the deletion process:

Image: Nurture application -  Templates - Classification

If this article left your questions unanswered, please submit a Support Form, and we can clarify this topic.