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Manage Employees Points and Send Bulk Recognition

Learn how to manage points and send bulk recognitions.

Administrators in JobPts can send recognitions through the Admin Center. Administrators use this feature to send bulk recognitions or add points to any employee due to any changes. When sending recognition, the recipient receives an email about the reward, visible in the My Awards tile.

To send recognition(s) through Manage Points, first, log in to JobPts Homepage, select Admin Center in the top right corner and follow these instructions.

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Users -> Manage Points

Image: JobPts application - Admin Center

On the left sidebar, select Users and then Manage Points

Image: JobPts application - Manage Points

In the fields, add the following information:

  • Recognition Giver – the nominator sending the recognition.
  • Recognition Options – choose the award.
    • Based on the award type, additional fields will pop-up. For example, if the program has award reasons, you will need to choose any of the award reasons. In case of a monetary award, a field to add the points will pop out.
      When choosing a monetary award, you can always select the amount set up for the recognition award. If there are three options (ex. 50, 100, 200 points), you can only choose one of these available options.
      If the program has a range, you can insert any value between the minimum and maximum.
  • Send date - Select on which date you want to send the recognition. By default, the present day is selected. 
  • Include eCard - Select one of the available eCards to be included in the recognition 
    • If the selected e-card is preconfigured with advanced customization and bound with the program, the admin can override this part and select another one from the available e-cards.
  • Add Recognize Message

Note: Skip this step if you are sending bulk recognitions and move to this section.

When you fill in the recognition details, next add the recognition receivers. To do that, click on the green button Select Recognition Receivers. It leads to an additional pop-up screen. Here you can Search and Save the recipients.

Once you added the users, select Send Recognition to finish the process. 

Image: JobPts application - Manage Points

When you want to send bulk (dozens or hundreds) recognitions at the same time, first Download Excel Template, and fill in all the employees' data.

Image: JobPts application - Download Excel Template

Then, upload the excel by selecting Upload Excel and choosing the same file. 

Manage_points_uploadImage: JobPts application - Upload Excel

Once you get a confirmation that the excel is valid select Process Excel to finish the process.

Image: JobPts application - Process Excel


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