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Manage Feedback Programs

This article will help you learn how to manage and create Feedback Programs.

In this article:

Manage Feedback Programs gives you an opportunity to manage and create Feedback Programs for your colleagues to Give or Ask Feedback, knowing that feedback is a key tool in improving both individual and team performance.

To start, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. From the left-side panel, click on Feedback and then on Manage Feedback Programs.

Login -> Admin Center -> Feedback -> Manage Feedback Programs

To start creating a new feedback program, select the Create New Program button.

Screenshot 2021-11-04 at 13-23-05 Manage Feedback Programs-1Image: Admin Center application - Manage Feedback Programs

A new screen will open where several fields should be filled to create the Feedback Program.

FireShot Capture 001 - Create Feedback Programs_ - demo-mt-jobpts-web-mt.cfapps.eu10.hana.ondemand.comImage: Admin Center application - Create Feedback Programs

  • Program is Active - enabling and disabling the program.
  • Feedback Program Name - give a specific name to the campaign as it will appear in the application;
  • Under Feedback Description - write an explanation about the program. This text will appear under the name of the program in the application.
  • Under Feedback Assistance - write a text to briefly explain the purpose of the program. This text will appear in the application in the right-side assistance panel.
  • Select a Feedback Image or Upload Feedback Image - choose from a preselected list or upload an image for the feedback program. 
  • Request Feedback - By default each feedback program is "Give Feedback" Program. The " Request Feedback" is not a mandatory field, however, when enabled, it will allow the users to use this feedback program to ask for feedback. When this option is enabled, an additional field " Ask for someone else" will be shown.
    • The "Ask for someone else" will enable the user to ask for feedback for a third person. (e.g. the manager can ask employee 1 to provide feedback for employee 2.
    • Select requesters - here select if the requester of the feedback can be all employees or only managers. 
    • If the feedback program is configured with "Request feedback" and "Ask for someone else", in the application, the user can decide if " Ask for someone else' will be used. If not, by default, the feedback they ask for is for themselves and if checked, it means they are asking for a third person. 
    • If the feedback program is configured with "Request feedback" and "Make this program Request Only", it means that on the list of available feedback programs  the givers won't see this program listed under 'Feedback Programs'. They can give their feedback only if someone has requested it.
  • Feedback Participants - here define the senders and recipients of the feedback program. 

    In the Program sender box, there are multiple options to choose from:
    Image: JobPts application - Feedback Sender
      • All – all employees from the company can send this feedback program and give feedback.

      • Managers – only the managers can send this feedback program and give feedback.
      • Company Structure - here you can define the structure of the employees that can receive this feedback program and receive feedback. The employees can be structured accordingly to  Country; Org Unit; Job Title and Company. 

        *Note: In case Feedback giver is Manager then in Program Receiver additionally we will have 'Direct Reports'.

        *Note: In case the Feedback giver is Manager then additionally you will need to define the Company Structure. 

        *Note: In case the Feedback giver is Direct Reports, you will be only able to select Managers in the Feedback Receiver field. 

        When "Managers" or "Company Structure"  is selected, an additional field appears. 

        Image: JobPts application - Program Sender - Managers

        Click on Company Structure Givers Manager, Add New Filter Set and then on Add New Filter button.

        When clicking on Add New Filter, you can select between the following Filter Types:

        • Country
        • Org Unit
        • Job Title
        • Company

        Once one of the above filter types is selected choose Filter Value from the drop-down list. Each Filter Type has its own corresponding Filter Value list to choose from (e.g. Country - list of countries;). In the end, Save the changes when finished.

        Image: JobPts application - Company Structure Givers Manager Filter Set

        *Note: The same steps are applied if you choose Company Structure as Feedback Giver.

      • Company Structure – here define the structure of the employees that can send this feedback program and give feedback. The employees can be structured accordingly to  Country; Org Unit; Job Title and Company.
      • When “Company Structure” is selected, an additional field appears. 

        Image: JobPts application -  Feedback sender - Company Structure

        Click on Company Structure, Add New Filter Set drop down arrow and then on Add New Filter Set button.

        Image: JobPts application - Company Structure - Add New Filter Set

        Image: JobPts application - Company Structure - Add New Filter

        When clicking on Add New Filter, you can select between the following Filter Types:

        • Country
        • Org Unit
        • Job Title
        • Company

        Once one of the above filter types is selected choose Filter Value from the drop-down list. Each Filter Type has its own corresponding Filter Value list to choose from (e.g. Country - list of countries;). In the end Save the changes when finished.

        Image: JobPts application - Company Structure sender Filter Set

  • In the Program recipient box, there are multiple options to choose from:

    Image: JobPts application - Feedback Recipient
      • All – all employees from the company can receive this feedback program and receive the feedback.

        • Direct Reports – only direct reports can receive employee feedback with this program.
          *Note: In case Feedback giver is Manager then in Receiver additionally you will have 'Direct Reports'.
      • Company Structure – here define the structure of the employees that can receive this feedback program and receive feedback. The employees can be structured accordingly to  Country; Org Unit; Job Title and Company.

    When “Company Structure” is selected, an additional field appears. 

    Image: JobPts application -  Feedback recipient - Company Structure

    Click on Company Structure Click, Add New Filter Set and then on Add New Filter button.

    Filter_feedback-2Image: JobPts application - Company Structure Filter Set

    Image: JobPts application - Company Structure - Add New Filter

    When clicking on Add New Filter, you can select between the following Filter Types:

    • Country
    • Org Unit
    • Job Title
    • Company

    Once one of the above filter types is selected choose Filter Value from the drop-down list. Each Filter Type has its own corresponding Filter Value list to choose from (e.g. Country - list of countries;). In the end, Save the changes when finished.

    Image: JobPts application - Company Structure recipient Filter Set

    • Visibility of feedback when giving feedback

    There are three available options:

      • Private - the feedback will be visible for the recipient of the feedback and only the recipient is informed.
      • Private + Manager - the feedback will be visible to the recipient of the feedback and the manager of the recipient.
      • Manager only - the manager of the recipient of the feedback will be informed via email that his/her employee has received feedback, however, the recipient will not be aware of this feedback.
    Hub_Feedback_visibilityImage: JobPts application - Visibility of feedback when giving feedback
    *Note: One permission must be added, otherwise an alert will appear 'Please select permissions for this feedback programs!'.  The user will need to add at least one option to Save the program.
    • Visibility of feedback when responding to a request for someone else
    If "Ask for someone else"  is selected, the user will be able to define the visibility of the feedback, meaning that the feedback sent to a third person can be visible only by the Requester or the Requester+Recipient!
    Image: JobPts application - Visibility of feedback when responding to a request for someone else
    • Feedback values and settings 
    The Feedback permissions are applicable only for "Give feedback". It is supposed to define who will receive the feedback given. If these three options are enabled, when giving feedback through the JobPts application, the user can select the privacy of the feedback, based on these settings. 
    • Program reason type 
      • Feedback Behaviors- when this option is selected, an additional area with active feedback behaviors will appear. 
        *Note: Feedback behaviors are required will be automatically marked!
      • Free text - when free text is selected, the user can manually write the feedback behaviour.
      • None -  when none is selected, there will not be possible to write a feedback behaviour when sending this program.
    • Additional options
      • Feedback behaviours is required - will be automatically marked if under Program reason type is selected Feedback behaviours. This means in order to send the feedback you will need to select one of the feedback behaviours first. 

    Image: JobPts application - Program reason type, Feedback behaviours, Additional options

    In the end, Save the changes when finished.

    • Additional feedback options

    By navigating to the admin center in Account > System Settings, you will find three available options to customize your feedback program:

    • Enable Team Feedback - Choose whether teams can be selected as well when giving feedback
    • Show Feedback Behaviour Image - Choose whether the image will be displayed for the feedback behaviour when selected
    • Display Feedback Type Label - Additional label is displayed on the feedback program when selecting it

    Image: JobPts application - Additional feedback options


    Please review our comprehensive step by step video guide:

    Create Feedback Programs

    If this article left your questions unanswered, please submit a Support Form, and we can clarify this topic.