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Manage the Social Feed

Configure your social feed display options.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Application Settings -> Social Feed Configuration

To manage what is displayed on the Social Feed for your users, access the Admin Center, then Application Settings and open Social Feed Configuration.

Image: JobPts application - Social Feed Configuration

There are two columns Social Feed programs and Filter Settings.

In the Social Feed programs column, you can enable which type of events (programs) will be automatically posted on the Social Feed:

  • Moment that Matters - to allow users to publish their congratulations from other colleagues. If turned on, the users can decide which congratulations will be published and which will be dismissed. If turned off afterwards, all already published congratulations for Moment that Matters will be removed from the social feed.
  • Service Anniversaries - to allow monetary anniversary message to be automatically published.
  • Winners - to allow nomination winners to be automatically published.
  • Non Monetary - to allow non-monetary awards to be published on social feed wall. If turned on, depending on the program creation, the transactions may be automatically published, or the users can decide which message will be published and which will be dismissed. If turned off afterwards all non-monetary awards published previously will be removed from the social feed.
  • Feedbacks - to allow users to publish their feedbacks received through the application. Users can decide which feedback request will be published and which will be dismissed.
  • Nominations - to allow users to publish their nominations received. Users can decide which message will be published and which will be dismissed.
  • Monetary - to allow monetary awards to be published on social feed wall. If turned on, depending on the program creation, the transactions may be automatically published, or the users can decide which message will be published and which will be dismissed. If turned off afterwards all monetary awards published previously will be removed from the social feed.
  • Birthdays - to allow users to publish their birthday messages received through the application. Users can decide which message will be published and which will be dismissed.
  • Health Campaigns - to allow users to view and create health campaigns.
  • Earn Points Campaigns - to allow earned points to be published on social feed wall. If turned on, depending on the program creation, the transactions may be automatically published, or the users can decide which message will be published and which will be dismissed. If turned off afterwards, all earned points transactions published previously will be removed from the social feed.

If enabled, these types of events will not require user approval for publication and are automatically visible by the entire community, otherwise, the approval of the recipient shall be required for publication.

  • Manage Visible Content
    •  Exclude attachments

When enabled, attachments will be excluded from appearing on the wall, ensuring a streamlined display of recognition posts.

In the Filter Settings column, you can choose the categories users may filter by in the social feed on the application.

  • Business Unit , Country, Division, Department.

If all Filter categories are enabled this is how the user will see the filter options.

Image: JobPts application - Recognition Feed filters


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