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Manage Support Tickets

In this article you will learn how to manage support tickets.

This functionality will enable your team to easily manage and respond to all inquiries. With this option you will have a complete overview of all support tickets and keep track of the tickets status, messages, notes and changed initiator or current person in charge, all in one place.  

To access the program, first log in to the JobPts Admin Center. On the left-side panel, click on Support and then Support. 

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Support -> Support

Support_ticketsImage: JobPts application - Support Center

On the following screen, you will see a list of all pending and new tickets. Use the different search criteria, such as:

  • Status - indicating current status of the ticket:
    • New
    • Closed
    • Assigned
    • Reassigned
    • Reopened 
  • Person in Charge - who is the ticket assigned to
  • Date from - starting date to filter results
  • Date until - end date to filter results
  • Message - you can use this search bar to locate tickets containing the search words from the message

Below the filtering options, you can see the number of Pending and New Tickets. 

Image: JobPts application - Support Center

The following information is included in the ticket table:

  • FullName - person who opened the ticket
  • Message - here you can hover with your mouse  to see the message from the ticket or By clicking on the Show Message button, you will be redirected to a new browser tab where you will be able to view all of the related information regarding the ticket in detail. Below that information, you are displayed a detailed overview of all of the Notes which have been entered for the ticket:
    • Notes Sender - who applied the note.
    • Note - content of the note itself.
    • Publish time - when was the note submitted.

Image: JobPts application - Ticket Overview
  • Category - type of ticket
  • Date - when the ticket was created
  • Status - current status of the ticket 
  • Person in charge - who is the ticket assigned to
  • Notes - by clicking on the View Notes button, a new pop-up window will open displaying all notes left for that specific ticket.

Notes_PlaceImage: JobPts application - View notes pop-up

You can Edit or Add a Note to any of the tickets by finding the ticket, click on the three dots next to the Actions button and select Edit or Add a Note from the drop-down menu.

Depending on the status of the ticket several options will be displayed when clicking on the Actions button. Option you can change are:

  • Edit Ticket - by selecting this option, you will be able to change the Category of the ticket and the Person in charge of it. When done with the changes, click on Save for them to be applied to the ticket. 
  • Add a note - by selecting this option, you will be able to leave a note for the ticket.
  • Re-open/Open Ticket - if the ticket has been previously closed, you can re-open it again using this option.
  • Close ticket - you can use this option to close an existing ticket.

Status_ActionsImage: JobPts application - Support Center - Actions button

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