๐Ÿ‘ฅ User and Team Management
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Manage Teams

Learn how to manage teams in the application.

In this article:

Manage Teams gives you the opportunity to create and manage teams within the application. 

To access the Manage Teams page, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application.  

From the left-side panel, click on Users and then Manage Teams 

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Users -> Manage Teams  

Screenshot 2021-09-29 at 13-59-37 Manage TeamsImage: JobPts application - Mange Teams

From the Manage Teams page, you can:

  1. Define the visibility of teams when sending recognition.  
  2. Create a Global Team. 
  3. Edit an existing team. 
  4. Archive an existing team.  
Define the visibility of teams when sending recognition  

By defining the visibility of teams, you will predefine which teams will be visible from the application by the logged-in user when sending a recognition.  

To determine the visibility of the teams, check one or more of the available checkboxes:

  • Personal Teams - if checked, users can select and recognize their personal teams or create their own teams. If disabled, there is no option to create a team, nor select some colleagueโ€™s team.  
  • Other Teams - to see other teamsโ€™ creations personal teams must be enabled. If checked, users can select and recognize teams that their colleagues created.
  • Global Teams - if checked, users can select and recognize administrators teams.  

*Note: If all checkboxes are selected, all teams will be visible for the logged-in user when selecting a team to send a recognition.   

By selecting Personal Teams in the Manage Teams Page, only the Personal Teams will be displayed when selecting a team to send a recognition.   

Image: JobPts application - Select Personal Teams

Image: JobPts application - Select Recipient(s)

Create a Global Team 

To create a Global Team, click on the โ€œCreate Global Teamโ€ button.  

This action will open the โ€œCreate Global Teamโ€ pop-up where you will be able to create the team.  

Image: JobPts application - Create Global Team

The participants in the Global Team can be searched and added within a team by three different categories: 

  • Users - the admin can add users to the team by searching the users by their name.  
  • Country - the admin can add users to the team by selecting the usersโ€™ Country.  
  • Company structure - the admin can add users to the team by selecting the usersโ€™ company structure. 

    Once the appropriate users are added to the Global Team, save the changes. This action will open a โ€œWarningโ€ pop-up informing you that you are about to create an administrator team.  To save your Global Team, confirm the changes.  

    Edit an existing team  

    You can edit any of the existing teams by finding the team, click on the three dots next to the Actions button and select Edit from the drop-down menu.

    manage_teamImage: JobPts application - Edit

    This action will open the โ€œEdit Teamโ€ pop-up. 

    Image: JobPts application - Edit Team

    Here you will be able to change team name, delete or add users to the team. Once the appropriate edits are made, Save the changes. 

    Archive an existing team 

    To archive a team, click the Actions button next to the team you would like to archive,  click on the three dots and select Archive from the drop-down menu.

    manage_team - 1Image: JobPts application - Archive Team

    If you want to use an archived team to receive recognitions, you have to activate it by filtering the Archived Teams and then click on the โ€œActivateโ€ button next to the team that you want to activate. Once a team has been activated it will be eligible for receiving recognitions.

    manage_team - 2-1Image: JobPts application - Active Team

    Filter Teams  

    From the "Manage Teams" page, you can find the following team filters:

    • Team Selection โ€“ select if the Active or Archived Teams should be displayed.  
    • Search Team โ€“ select the name of the team that should be displayed.  
    • Individual Teams โ€“ if you select this checkbox, only the individual teams will be displayed. 
    • Global Teams - if you select this checkbox, only the global teams will be displayed. 

    Screenshot 2021-09-29 at 14-15-46 Manage TeamsYou can manage the visibility of the โ€œManage Teamsโ€ page, under Account, select the Systems Settings Page. In the Recognition options, select the โ€œEnable team awardโ€ checkbox.  

    Screenshot 2021-09-29 at 14-26-45 System SettingsImage: JobPts application - Enable team award checkbox in Systems Settings

    Please review our comprehensive step by step video guide:

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