🔗 Integrations

Managing Donation Products

Learn to customize donation product synchronization and manage supported countries for donations, with options to remove countries or disable specific donations.

Log in to JobPts -> Rewards -> Manage Donations

Image: JobPts application - Manage Donations page

  • Automatic Sync - enabled by default
  • Manual Sync By Admin

Image: JobPts application - Automatic Sync option


When Automatic Sync is enabled, admins can use the Manage Countries button to control the list of countries available for donations in the application. This feature allows admins to enable or disable specific countries for donations.

Image: JobPts application - Manage Countries for Donations.

Clicking 'Save' will finalize the list of included or excluded countries.

*Note: The list of available countries is dynamic and changes based on the active locations at the time of checking the button.

If Manual Sync by Admin is selected, there are more options available.

  • Approve All Pending - enables bulk approval for all pending projects, instead of approving them individually.
  • Hide All Pending - will hide all pending donations from the application, ensuring they are not visible to end users.

Image: JobPts application - Manual Sync by Admin option

  • Countries filter - displays all countries with donations, enabling admins to search for donations by specific country.
  • Filter Categories - admins can filter donation projects using the same categories available on the application site.
  • Filter By Status - initially filtered to display 'Pending' projects, enabling admins to efficiently manage and either approve or hide them. As projects are approved, the status updates to 'Approved', and if hidden, to 'Hidden'.
  • Search Donations 
  • Donation Project - title of the donation project
  • Organization - that is sponsoring the donation project
  • Adding Date - date when the project have been initially added
  • Status - Approved, Hidden or Pending
  • Actions - (Approve, Hide & View Details)
    • View Details - contains project information provided by the provider, such as: challenge, solution & long term impact.

The donation project will be displayed or hidden on the application side based on its status.

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