๐Ÿ”ง Comms Setup

Manage Communication Members and Privileges

How to add new members to the space and assign them with the right privileges

Nurture admin members have role-based privileges, helping you divide and orchestrate all communication related activities.

Login to Nurture -> Administration -> Assign privileges

In Assign privileges screen you can onboard new communication members to the existing space and assign them an administrator role. You can also add temporary roles and delete members. Available actions are:

  1. Add new member
  2. Edit existing member
  3. Add temporary roles
  4. Delete user

You can start adding a new member by clicking on the โ€œnew memberโ€ button on the top-right corner:

Add new admin pop up will appear where you can search for the person you want to add and assign them the desired role.

After adding the name/email of the user and the role you can click on the โ€œSaveโ€ button.


To edit user roles for a specific user go to Actions -> Edit.

A pop-up window will open and you will have the option to change the userโ€™s role.  

After changing the role, click on โ€œSaveโ€. 

You can also repeat the same process for assigning a temporary role. 

First, you have to select โ€œDurationโ€ and pick a date, then select a temporary role, and finally, click on โ€œSaveโ€ 

You can also delete a user by going to Actions -> Delete.

And then you will get a pop-up window asking you about deleting the user. 

Click 'delete' to complete the deletion process. 
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