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Feature Exclusion List

This article will guide you on how to exclude users from Monetary Programs and view users who excluded themselves from any of the modules on their profile.

To exclude a user from a monetary program, first log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application and follow the steps below:

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Users -> Add User To Monetary Exclusion List

exl 1Image: JobPts application - Feature Exclusion List

The users which are displayed on this list are manually added by a dedicated admin, they are excluded from reward options from all monetary programs. Users which have manually opted out from a monetary program are not displayed here.

By clicking on Add User to Exclusion List button a new pop-up window will be displayed where you will be able to search for the specific user. Once you've located the user, just click on the Save button. 

Image: JobPts application - Search user

If you want to remove a specific user from the exclusion list, just click on the Remove button located on the right side next to the relevant user.  

exl 1Image: JobPts application - Monetary Exclusion List - Remove User

To see which users have excluded themselves from the available modules in their profile, first select the Self-exclusion tab. 

You will be displayed a list the users who have excluded themselves, alongside the date when they've performed this action in the appropriate module. 

You can use the "Excluded from" filter to filter out the list by the appropriate module, in this case Anniversaries, Birthdays, Moments that matter and Leaderboard.

exl 3

Image: JobPts application - Self-exclusion List

By using the Export function, you can download the current list of users you are viewing, alongside the complete timestamp of when they've performed the action. 

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