Surveys Experience
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My Surveys page

All Surveys created by the logged in user are listed in My Surveys page.


The "My Surveys" page is your central hub for managing all surveys you've created. This page provides a comprehensive overview of each survey, offering key details at a glance to help you monitor and manage your surveys effectively.

Image: Nurture -> Admin Center -> Surveys.

Key Information Displayed


Surveys listed on the "My Surveys" page contain the following essential data:

  • Title

   - The title represents the name or headline of the survey, providing users with a quick understanding of its purpose or subject matter.

    • Questions:

       - Describes the content and structure of the survey questions, including their types (e.g., multiple-choice, open-ended) and arrangement.

    • Responses:

       - Indicates the total number of responses received for each survey, allowing users to gauge the level of engagement and participation.

    • Completion:

       - Provides insights into the percentage or number of respondents who have completed the survey, helping users track its progress.

    • Created:

       - Displays the date and time when the survey was initially created, enabling users to monitor the timeline of survey activities.

    • Status:

       - Indicates the current status of the survey, such as "Active," "Draft," or "Closed," providing users with visibility into its lifecycle stage.

    • Action(s):

    Image: Nurture-> Admin Center -> Surveys

       - Offers various actions or operations that users can perform on individual surveys, such as editing, deleting, previewing, duplicating, adding colleagues and creating campaigns.

    • Preview:

       - Click the Preview button to review how the survey questions will appear to respondents before finalizing and publishing your survey.

    • Edit:

       - Use the Edit button to modify your survey questions, adjust settings, or update any part of your survey before publishing.

    • Assign colleague:

       - Use the Assign Colleague button to delegate survey editing or management tasks to a team member.

    • Create Campaign:

       - Use the Create Campaign (add link) button to launch and manage your survey distribution.

    • Duplicate:

       - Click the Duplicate button to create an exact copy of your survey for reuse or further customization.

    • Delete:

       - Use the Delete button to remove this survey permanently.

      **Note: These actions are only available for Draft Surveys.

      Image: Nurture-> Admin Center -> Surveys

      For the completed Survey, the additional feature is to copy the link from the survey so you can easily share it with your colleagues.

      • Filters
        Filter through Surveys and Survey Templates based on Survey classification

      Image: Nurture-> Admin Center -> Surveys -> Filters
      • Display the Surveys as list or grid
        Select if you want the surveys to be listed in grid or list mode.


      The "My Surveys" page in SEMOS CLOUD Survey Tool serves as a centralized hub for users to manage, monitor, and analyze their surveys effectively. By understanding the various data points and functionalities available, users can streamline their survey management processes and derive valuable insights from respondent feedback.