๐Ÿ’ฐ Financial Reports

Points By User Report

Report about the received and remaining points per employee.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Reports -> Points By User

Points By User Report  provides list of all points remaining on users point balance which have not been redeemedโ€‹.

Additionally, the following information are presented within the report:

  • Full name,
  • Username,
  • Email,
  • Status (active/not active),
  • Organizational unit,
  • Job title,
  • Country; and
  • the number of Remaining points.

You can Search for an employee name by typing the name in the search box. โ€‹Thereโ€™s also a functionality to show only Active or Not active users.

Image: JobPts application - Points by User

This report is applicable if there is a monetary peer to peer or monetary nomination program(s) put in place. In addition, in this report, you are not able to find employees who have not yet received points.

The Export button helps export the results in an Excel file.

Image: JobPts application - Points by User Report

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