📈 Adoption Reports

Program Utilization Report

Learn to navigate the report of your programs and utilization data across the entire organization.

This report provides a summary and displays the activity on the use of the programs, budgets, spent budgets and budgets utilization, and individual or team program recipients.

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Reports -> Program Utilization

To access the report, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. On the left-side panel, click on Reports then on Program Utilization.

Platform Utilization_1-1Image: JobPts application - Program Utilization

*Note: This report, will present only p2p programs (non-monetary/ monetary, share points), birthdays and anniversaries. 

In order to see the data from this report, the user should select a "Program name". The program selected in the Program name can be: 

  • Non-monetary
  • Monetary without a budget
  • Monetary with budget

After selecting the program name, several Filter options are available to get the desired results: 

  • Country
  • Company Code; or
  • Organizational Unit

An option is available to Export this report in an Excel file. It is a comprehensive spreadsheet with more additional information such as:

  • Filter by Country
  • Total budget in points
  • Spent budget in points 
  • Budget utilization (%) 
  • Individual recipients 
  • Team members as recipients 
  • Team as recipient 
  • Unique Recipients

Image: JobPts application - Exported report

For a more detailed preview By senders or By receivers click on the Export Detailed button.

Image: JobPts application - Export Detailed

Depending on your choice, the following details will be available to you in the exported Excel file:

  • Recipient/Sender name
  • Recipient/Sender email
  • Recipient/Sender User ID
  • Recipient/Sender Company Code
  • Recipient/Sender ORG Unit
  • Country
  • Total Number of Recognitions in Given Time

Image: JobPts application - Export Detailed report by receiver


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