❤️ Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Publish Awards in the Recognitions Feed

Employees have the option to share their received recognitions and nominations, earn points campaigns or important moments that matter by publishing the awards on the social wall

To publish an award, navigate to the Recognitions Feed and select the "Publish Awards" option.

Log in to JobPts -> Recognitions Feed -> Publish Awards

JobPts - Home Awards ready to be publishedImage: JobPts application - Recognition Feed

On the screen, you will be able to see all the awards you received and decide which one(s) to publicly share on the Recognition Feed.


Image: JobPts application - My Awards for publishing

Once you have decided to share an award, click on the Publish button, and the award will be posted on the Recognition Feed. 

JobPts - Home Published AwardImage: JobPts application - Recognition Feed (published award) 

Utilize the filters to browse through the awards on the feed globally, by department, division, location or restrict the view to your own posts only.

Screenshot_5-1Image: JobPts application - Recognition feed

If the setting of the recognition program is Automatic feed posts, all awards from that program will be automatically posted on the Recognition Feed. 

*Note: Recognitions received from peer-to-peer programs, nominations, significant moments that matter, and earn points campaigns can be shared on the social wall. Some may require approval before posting  based on the settings of the respective program.

Please review our comprehensive step by step video guide:

Publish Awards

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